Archive for June, 2012
New movie museum has two architects
Two architects will design the new movie museum set to open in the historic May Company building known as LACMA West. Renzo Piano and Zoltan Pali will join forces to create the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. “Renzo’s track record of creating iconic cultural landmarks combined with Zoltan’s success in transforming historically significant buildings is […]
Around the Town with Patty Hill
The Virginia Robinson Gardens estate was the setting for the 14th annual Rose Variety Arts Show in May. Carmelita Pittman, founder and executive director of the Rose Breast Cancer Society, introduced the 3rd Wave Band Trio and honoree Raul Rodriguez who received the Society’s Achievement Award for his support of preventative care for women in […]
Her new hat is a fireman’s helmet
For her work in promoting the Los Angeles Fire Department, Lyn MacEwen Cohen was named “Honorary Fire Chief 2012” at Fire Service Recognition Day in May. Fire Chief Brian Cummings presented an official fire chief helmet to Cohen, president of First-In Fire Foundation and of the Miracle Mile Civic Coalition, for her public service benefitting […]
‘Boulevard Heights’ on Bronson nominated for National Register
When Robby O’Donnell took an evening stroll around her home on Bronson Ave., she was amazed to see the “phenomenal” early 20th-century homes that lined the street. Years of neglect had taken their toll on the Craftsman and Mediterranean, Colonial and Tudor Revival style houses. But as of late, new owners were returning them to […]
Soccer dads come up from behind to finish third place
A group of dads hoping to enjoy the game of soccer formed the Larchmont United Football Club in 2010. A few seasons later the 22-member team came in third and surprised the opposition—which just happened to be the top in the 12-team, 40+ Division. “It was a great way to finish up our season,” said […]
Pastor returns to fire up the grill for 25th year
Ralph Gipson, who was raised a Baptist, hadn’t seen the inside of a church in 20 years. “It was all fire and brimstone… I was a young black militant back then,” he explains. He returned to the fold, however, after he happened upon Hope Lutheran Church ay 6720 Melrose Ave. Gipson and his fiancé were […]