Guest's Latest Posts

For 110 years, Troop 10 has combined adventure with community service
Troop 10 has been an active part of the Los Angeles community for more than 110 years. In this time, it has provided young men with leadership opportunities and adventure both here in the city and out in the wild. Last summer, the troop attended two summer camps, one in the forested mountains near Lake […]

The Fires Still Burn, But Our Future Cannot Wait: An Op-Ed
The following Op-Ed piece was published Monday morning, Jan. 13, 2025, by The Planning Report ( These are five ideas that the Larchmont Chronicle urges elected leaders to consider at once. As first responders, elected leaders, and communities in Los Angeles face the ongoing wildfire emergency and immediate need to save life and protect […]

Hundreds of locals gathered on Lillian Way for July 4 holiday
It was 1997. “Men in Black” topped the box office, and Lilith Fair was the new Lollapalooza. On Lillian Way in Hancock Park, another defining moment would change history forever: “A few of us dragged our barbecues into the street for the 4th of July and grilled hot dogs for each other,” recalls resident Evan […]

Revival theaters across Los Angeles are revived this summer
With climate change making the Los Angeles heat more unbearable than ever, a new activity to fill these long summer days has risen in prominence: seeing movies in revival theaters. Dotted all across the city, revival theaters are exactly what they sound like: they screen classic, under-appreciated or forgotten films, essentially “reviving” them. As large […]

Letters to the Editor
Build on the boulevards Thank you for the Brian Curran column, “YIMBYs vs. Preservationists: Roundtable suggests uneasy détente” [April, 2024]. I can’t know if the YIMBYs are being correctly portrayed in the article. They come off as unreasonable and irritable. One obvious omission is the counter-term, which preceded YIMBY by decades: NIMBY. It shows that […]

Who really saved our local, historic Los Altos Apartments?
And what did celebrity chef Nancy Silverton and Playboy Magazine have to do with it? On a Saturday night in the spring of 1996, through thick synthetic fog, Playboy Playmate Shauna Sand was struggling to walk in her 4-inch heels on uneven cobblestones in the courtyard at the historic Los Altos Apartments at Wilshire Boulevard […]