Letters to the Editor
‘Times’ turns 100
Today [12/05/2022] is the 100th birthday of the Los Angeles Times, and yet I had to learn of this occasion by reading the New York Times. Not one word of this notable day on the front page of our local flagship newspaper. Aren’t you [Los Angeles Times] embarrassed? I would be.
Toby Horn
Miracle Mile
Can’t wait for Lucy’s
We are looking forward to eating at this iconic Los Angeles gem! [“Breaking news: Lucy’s El Adobe Café is reopening,” Dec. 2022]. Our family will become regular customers to enjoy the great food and warm hospitality!!!
Stephanie Tusques

PERSONAL MEMORABILIA at Village Pizzeria is at the heart of controversy.
Return memorabilia!
Regarding your article concerning new shops on Larchmont: The memorabilia on the walls of Village Pizzeria belong to the Cohen family. [“Tenant construction underway at Boulevard shops, some opening,” Nov. 2022]. Full stop. The new owners need to return it.
I have been going there since they opened in the mid 90s. I have watched the collection grow and even contributed to it. It is unconscionable that it is being held hostage by the new owners. I will not eat there or recommend any friends frequent Village Pizzeria until the right thing are done and the memorabilia is returned to the Cohen family. I will urge all friends and neighbors to do the same.
Cinzia Zanetti
Hancock Park
I am responding to the article about Village Pizzeria and the amazing Steve Cohen. I have known Steve for close to 30 years as we were both in the food industry. I have got to say there is not a better, loyal, honest guy that I have met in years
We joke that we have become as close as sister and brother as we both come from NYC.
It’s truly a travesty what the new owners have done to Steve and his family after all the years of hard work they put in.
I have had many experiences with people in the film industry who think they are the “smartest” best qualified to do just about anything when, in fact, they don’t have a clue about how or what it takes to run a business, let alone a food business.
They should have kept Steve on for at least a year to carry over a smooth transition and assure themselves
that the success he created would be theirs as well.
I really hope these folks do a turnaround and treat Steve in the manner he deserves. This comes from not only a patron but a good friend.
Terri Aronson
Hollywood Dell
As a member of the Village Pizzeria (VP) family, I felt the need to comment on this article. I have been eating at VP for nearly 20 years. Even when I moved east, I would drive through Hollywood just to grab a slice and visit the family!
When I learned Steve was passing the business on I was relieved to hear he would be there during the transition — assuring us all that VP would be the same. This never happened.
I stopped in one time out of curiosity. The one thing that caught me off guard was Steve’s memorabilia. Why was it still there? Why would these new owners feel the need to keep Steve’s memories and not create their own? I did not know it at the time, but these items had become a point of contention, (including NYC street signs I had donated to the walls). Now that I have learned what the owners have done, it baffles me they want to put up this fight and to treat Steve and his family in this manner.
To the New Owners: pull these items down. Pass them back to Steve and his family. Create your own Village Pizzeria. Show your patrons who YOU are.
Jason Manacker
I have been working for Paramount for 24 years. We have been visiting Larchmont, and Village Pizzeria since the beginning. Steve and his family have always treated us like family, and we have done all that we could throughout the pandemic to support their business. Additionally, we have had many, many events at the studio where we had them cater the food.
It’s heartbreaking to see how the new people have taken advantage of Steve. We will never support that kind of sleazy business and will not eat there unless and until they make good on their promises to Steve and Village Pizzeria.
Bob Wishnefsky
Give Steve Cohen of Village Pizzeria back all his memorabilia. He gave so much to Larchmont for so many years. How has this not happened already — especially if it is in the legal contract? It doesn’t speak too well to the character of the current ownership.
Tommie Fahn
West Los Angeles
Note: Reaching out to the restaurant’s new owners, the Chronicle learned, just at our deadline for this issue, that the disputes between buyer and seller are continuing and possibly are advancing to litigation. A representative of the ownership group told us the new owners will continue exploring conciliatory options with previous owner Steve Cohen, but that their suing him is likely.
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