Her new hat is a fireman’s helmet

WEARING HELMET is Honorary Fire Chief Lyn MacEwen Cohen with, from left, Battalion 5 Chief Charles Butler, Battalion Chief Jeffrey Elder, city Fire chief Brian Cummings and assistant Chief Kwame Cooper.
For her work in promoting the Los Angeles Fire Department, Lyn MacEwen Cohen was named “Honorary Fire Chief 2012” at Fire Service Recognition Day in May.
Fire Chief Brian Cummings presented an official fire chief helmet to Cohen, president of First-In Fire Foundation and of the Miracle Mile Civic Coalition, for her public service benefitting the Fire Department.
She has been instrumental in partnering residents with their local fire stations, fostering friends and funds for the Department, championing local emergency preparedness.
Ceremonies were held at the Los Angeles Fire Department Museum with the LAFD Historical Society and the members of Fire Station 27.
Category: People