Around the Town with Patty Hill

AWARD WINNER Raul Rodriguez, left, with Robert Cash, and Sebastian
The Virginia Robinson Gardens estate was the setting for the 14th annual Rose Variety Arts Show in May.
Carmelita Pittman, founder and executive director of the Rose Breast Cancer Society, introduced the 3rd Wave Band Trio and honoree Raul Rodriguez who received the Society’s Achievement Award for his support of preventative care for women in need.
“Each of us has someone who is suffering from this disease,” Rodriguez observed as he accepted a towering crystal angel. “Each one of us can make a difference,” he told the approving crowd of 200. Sebastian, Raul’s rare blue Macau, let out a squawk of approbation from his portable perch.
Also celebrated among the foliage was Rodriguez’s 500th float for this year’s Pasadena Rose Parade. There to enjoy a buffet lunch by gourmet soul food queen Chef Marilyn, shop for paintings and sculptures, and raise funds for the Rose Breast Cancer Society were guests Robert Cash, Dr. Cherilyn Lee, Jarvee Hutcherson, Oscar-winning actress Margaret O’Brien, Randal Malone, Megan Butler and Traude Winik.
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AT CHARTER SCHOOL Fiesta were David and Holly Mapes.
Close to 300 spectacular silent auction items lined the veranda of the Wilshire Country Club on June 9. So did about 300 swellegant guests who came to bid, enjoy fine wines and buffet dinner, and don their dancing shoes and party hearty before they ate dessert and packed up their purchases. It was the Larchmont Charter School’s seventh annual Fiesta On The Green, which over the years has acquired a reputation as one of the area’s most successful fundraisers.
Among the hottest items were dinner for 14 prepared by renowned Chef Mark Peel, box seats for the Hollywood Bowl, and Dodger Dugout tickets. The event raised more than $140,000 for the Hollygrove and Immanuel Presbyterian campuses.
Among the guests were event chair Holly Maples and her husband David, co-chairs Tony Gittelson and his wife Amy Lemisch, Josette Bowers and her husband Ty, Frances and David Hoge, Amy Kiehl-Miller and Andrew Miller, Tali and Joe Klapach, Beverly and Jason Brown, Maria Tanquary, Lisa Anderson.
More were Juliet and Jack Burton, Jennifer Gross and David Koenig, Lexi Conrad and Josh Mogin, Christine and Aron Woertink, Dawn and Will Vogl, Shoshi Buge and Isaac Mizrahi, Amy and John White, Lindsay Gallagher, Giselle Achecar, Laura Wallis, Heather and Brumby Boylston, and Rebecca and Charles Hutchinson.
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Most recent of the Culinary Cause Dinner Series to benefit St. Vincent Meals on Wheels was a fabulous spread of Mexican classics hosted by the Lucy and Patricia Casado at Lucy’s El Adobe on June 13. Helping raise enough funds to feed a senior for an entire year were Jim and Daryl Twerdahl, Brenda and Bob Cooke, Barbara and Steve Allen, Carlotta and Ann Keely, Rick Llanos, Martha and John Welborne, Julio Martinez, and June and Paul Bilgore.
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DOCTORS SYMPHONY supporters Loyce and Joe Braun.
The Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra rounded out its season with Mozart and Beethoven featuring LA Phil’s virtuoso violinist Robert Gupta. (Be afraid. Be very afraid, Joshua Bell.) Proceeds from the June 10 concert will support Gupta’s Street Symphony whose mission brings live performances and classical music instruction to veterans and the homeless.
A post-concert reception was held at the Elmwood Ave. home of long-time Symphony supporter Loyce and her percussionist husband Joe Braun. Guests and musicians wandered the art-filled rooms and gardens munching on melon skewers, pate sandwiches, and sipping champagne.
Orchestra’s fans enjoying the music were Kelley and Bill Nelson, Jane Martin and George Haynes, Shirlee and Harold Haizlip, Arlene Winnick and Doctors Symphony conductor Ivan Schulman.
That’s the chat.
Category: Entertainment