Upgrades at Buzz publisher’s Fremont Place home make it more accessible for all

| June 28, 2018 | 0 Comments

ALTHOUGH not mentioned in the “Los Angeles Times” story, Patty Lombard and Bill Simon’s recent yard and garden upgrades (designed by Larchmont local Judy Horton) are drought-tolerant and have been featured on several recent local garden tours. Photo by Patty Lombard.

When Larchmont Buzz co-publisher Patty Lombard’s parents, Anne and Rocci Lombard, came to live with her at her Fremont Place home a few years ago, her family began an extensive renovation to make their space more accessible and easier to navigate for elderly adults. The results were so successful, they’re featured in a June 15 story in the “Los Angeles Times.”

ROCCI AND ANNE Lombard at her recent 90th birthday party.
Photo by allisonphoto.com.

“I tell dad that the changes weren’t just for him and mom,” Patty told the “Times.”  “This whole process has really opened our eyes and made us realize that accessibility helps everybody. Having my parents here has been great.”

ANNE LOMBARD’S friends gather to celebrate her recent 90th birthday. Photo by allisonphoto.com.

DROUGHT-tolerant plants were used in the re-design of the landscape.Photo by Patty Lombard.

The property re-design, which included remodeling former chauffeur’s quarters, turning a poolside lanai into an outdoor kitchen, and creating gardening spaces that can be accessed without bending over, has brought new energy to the family’s whole property.

You can read the full story (which includes nearly 20 photos of the redefined spaces) at http://www.latimes.com/home/la-hm-lombard-home-tour-20180616-story.html
[This article originally appeared on the Larchmont Buzz on June 16, 2018.]


By Elizabeth Fuller

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Category: Real Estate

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