Tag: Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council election forum

GWNC requires advance registration to vote by mail
Registration for the March 2021 Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) election has begun. Apply online at: tinyurl.com/y6tmcgzt The 2021 neighborhood council election season opened in November, with 44 local stakeholders volunteering as candidates by the end of last year. They are: Joane Henneberger Pickett, Owen Smith, Jeffry Carpenter, Zubin Davar, Brian Donahoe, Jose Tamayo, Jennifer […]

Register, vote; GWNC election at Barking Lot
Come to the Barking Lot, 336 N. Larchmont Blvd., just north of Beverly Blvd., to register and vote in the 2019 election of Directors for the Greater Wilshire neighborhood Council. Just as it was for the last election in 2016, voter registration tables and polling stations will be in the parking lot of the Barking […]

Choose GWNC directors, alternates for next two years
People over 18 years old who live, work or own property in the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) area may vote for TWO candidates in the Sun., May 1 election. Voting hours are from noon to 4 p.m., and all voting will take place on Larchmont Blvd. at the “Barking Lot” pet store at 366 […]

Election to follow Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council candidate forum
Meet the candidates seeking posts on the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council board of directors at a forum on Tues., March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Wilshire United Methodist Church, 4350 Wilshire Blvd. Candidates will be available to make brief introductions and take questions from stakeholders. The candidates represent 15 geographic areas and six special interest categories. […]