Staffing, street safety, repair, traffic on Ryu’s to-do list

Nikki Ezhari will begin her post Aug. 4
Nikki Ezhari’s appointment as senior deputy for Fourth District City Councilman David Ryu last month marks the appointment of more than half of his initial 15-member team, said chief of staff Sarah Dusseault.
A key focus of the new team is fulfilling the councilman’s campaign promise. “We’ve been pretty clear our agenda is to bring transparency to government,” said Dusseault.
To that end a transition team is working on a discretionary fund task force, getting community input on priorities and setting up systems to provide services to the community.
So far so good.
“I am delighted to report that the new Councilman David Ryu and his staff are following through on all the neighborhood issues we discussed during the campaign,” said Cindy Chvatal, president of the Hancock Park Homeowners’ Assoc. Chvatal is a member of the transition team, which includes residents from Sherman Oaks to Miracle Mile. Issues include: “repair of our concrete streets and intersections,” Chvatal said.
Tackling “significant transportation issues” in the Hancock Park area are high on the to-do list, echoed Dusseault. These include safety issues at left-hand turn lanes at Rossmore and Melrose and at Rossmore and Clinton.
“The traffic mitigation issues at Rossmore and Melrose which will include left-turn arrows being installed, and the care and maintenance of the Highland median palm trees are on their hotlist… as priorities… They have already started discussions with the city departments involved in these issues,” said Chvatal.
Ezhari, who will begin her post Aug. 4, will represent the Larchmont, Hancock Park and Miracle Mile areas.
A field deputy for City Councilmember Paul Krekorian the past four years, previously she worked for Councilman Tom LaBonge.
Category: People