Brookside residents updated on crime, Park Mile zoning

AT MEETING were Councilman David Ryu, Association president Owen Smith and Ryu’s chief of staff Sarah Dusseault.
Fourth District Councilman David Ryu complimented the 30 residents who turned out for the summer meeting for their citizen involvement.
Ryu and his chief of staff Sarah Dusseault attended the July 16 evening meeting of Brookside Homeowners Association at the Lebanese-American Foundation center. Owen Smith, Association president, introduced the guest speakers including Wilshire LAPD senior lead officer Hebel Rodriguez.
The area is crime-free, reported Rodriguez, but he did caution the audience not to use cellphones while walking. Neighborhoods close to Brookside have been experiencing these robberies because people are not paying attention to their surroundings.
Jim Wolf, chairman of the Park Mile Design Review Board, described the zoning permitted in the Park Mile which extends from Crenshaw Blvd. to Highland Ave. between Sixth and Eighth streets.
The drive for an Historic Overlay Preservation Zone was also on the agenda. Sandy Boeck, secretary, provided a status report on persons who have signed the petition in favor of the HPOZ. She urged residents to continue to seek signatures. Ryu was asked about the status of the Interim Control Ordinance, which would delay teardowns until the HPOZ is approved.
Roy Forbes, board member, presented renderings of the housing and a map of the proposed CIM development on the area between Rimpau and Muirfield. Some residents questioned the necessity for Mullen Ave. to be closed as part of the multi-residential development.
Residents also brought up the safety concerns at the Eighth and Rimpau intersection. where one fatality and several injuries have occurred.
Category: People