Tag: Hancock Park Homeowner’s Association
Traffic slows on Rossmore after striping
Increased speeds led to new lane striping In February, without warning, residents of Rossmore Avenue found their street painted with new traffic mitigation lines, including dashed stripes indicating spaces for driveway access. “The new traffic lines on Rossmore were added as a design feature to reduce speeding, which is a major concern of mine and […]
Electrical outages spark meeting on problems’ solutions
Residents ‘deserve a resilient… power grid’ Major storms in January and February left many residents in Windsor Square and Hancock Park without power for multiple days. Those affected dealt not only with the extended outages but also with confusing messaging as to when power would be restored. Banding together to try to get answers and […]
Hancock Park has been planting trees
Mid-December saw landscape workers and their vehicles along several streets in Hancock Park. They were there for a big project — planting approximately 25 trees in community parkways. Funds from dues collected from members of the Hancock Park Homeowners Association (HPHOA) pay for the project, said HPHOA president Cindy Chvatal-Keane. She and members of the […]
Councilmembers welcomed to area
Larchmont’s two new city councilmembers spent parts of last month getting to know their respective new communities after political redistricting took effect on Jan. 1. HPHOA Town Hall Councilmember Paul Koretz welcomed his new constituents and introduced his staff at a virtual Town Hall last month hosted by the Hancock Park Homeowners Association. “We are […]