Metro salutes Sen. Feinstein at Purple Line groundbreaking

METRO THANKS SENATOR Dianne Feinstein. Mayor Eric Garcetti, Metro Chair, and Second Vice Chair, Inglewood Mayor James Butts, presented her a chrome-plated slice of track rail.
Beverly Hills Mayor, Lili Bosse, was a prominent guest on the dais as local officials broke ground to extend subway tunnels west from La Cienega to a station near Beverly Drive, then under Beverly Hills High School to a station in Century City. This is the second leg of the Purple Line extension en route to Westwood and the Veterans Administration property west of the 405 Freeway in time for the 2028 Olympic Games.
In addition to Mayor Bosse and Mayor Garcetti, there were local Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) officials and federal officials on the dais. Most prominent was U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who Mayor Garcetti acknowledged as a key partner in getting the federal government’s share of the funding that has been making the subway and light rail (and busway) construction possible in Los Angeles County.
Senator Feinstein explained that she has been a strong supporter of such funding ever since being elected to represent California in the U.S. Senate in 1992.
A highlight of the multiple performances (color guard, mariachi dancers, shovel-lifting and dirt-turning in front of a replica subway car plus numerous speeches) was a special presentation to Sen. Feinstein by Metro.
Mayor Garcetti, chair of Metro’s board of directors, and Inglewood Mayor James Butts (the former Santa Monica Police Chief), who is Metro second vice-chair, made the presentation.
Acknowledging her years of leadership, especially as a member of the Senate’s powerful Committee on Appropriations, Garcetti thanked her for her steadfast support of Los Angeles transit improvements.
Mayors Garcetti and Butts gave her a plaque with a brightly chromed, one-inch thick slice of subway rail, as a memento.
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