Tag: Mayor Garcetti
Metro salutes Sen. Feinstein at Purple Line groundbreaking
Beverly Hills Mayor, Lili Bosse, was a prominent guest on the dais as local officials broke ground to extend subway tunnels west from La Cienega to a station near Beverly Drive, then under Beverly Hills High School to a station in Century City. This is the second leg of the Purple Line extension en route […]
Mayor Garcetti congratulates community members on water bill
Mayor Garcetti joined the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Thurs., March 31 in congratulating Patty Lombard and Bill Simon of Fremont Pl. on significantly reducing their water bill using LADWP resources. Members of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) and The Drop were also there. The GWNC Sustainability Committee partnered with the […]