Let holiday spending spill over into helping others: Toy and gift drives

TOY DRIVE gifts beneath tree at St. Anne’s.
During the holiday season it’s easy to get into the habit of gift buying, whether for family and friends or for yourself. So, it might be a good time to let some of that spending spill over into purchasing holiday cheer for others less fortunate. Read on for some local charities that are conducting toy and gift drives.
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VOLUNTEERS AT St. Anne’s with donated gifts.
St. Anne’s Guild, 155 N. Occidental Blvd., is collecting gifts for babies ages newborn to three and teenage girls ages 13 to 18. Gift cards are also welcome. Deadline for the drive is Sat., Dec. 21. Bring wrapping paper, ribbon, scissors and tape to wrap gifts for residents Tues., Dec. 17 and Wed., Dec. 18. Contact Ardriono “Oge” Aldridge at aaldridge@stannes.org or call 213-381-2931, ext. 341.
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Alexandria House, 426 S. Alexandria Ave., is accepting donations of gifts or gift cards until Christmas. Contact Michele Richards at 213-381-2649 or michele@alexandriahouse.org.
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Covenant House of California, 1325 N. Western Ave., has a wish list on its website. The local shelter also appreciates donations of gift cards and items such as towels, blankets, books, clothes and portable chargers. Call 323-461-3131 or visit covenanthousecalifornia.org.
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Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children, 1650 Rockwood St., has wish lists for items needed by adults, children, teens and people moving into their own apartments on their website, but also check Amazon for a list. Gift cards from grocers, retailers and bookstores also are helpful. Call 213-482-1834 or visit gschomeless.org/donate-an-item.
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Drop off gifts for the “Ho-Ho-Hollygrove Holiday Gift Drive” at 5930 Gregory Ave. Wanted this year are unwrapped gifts for children ages infant to 17 years, wrapping paper, tissue, gift tags, as well as gift cards to grocery and retail stores. Cash donations designated for the holiday drive are also appreciated. Gifts can be accepted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. through Fri., Dec. 20 (*note: this is an updated, extended deadline, different from that published in our December 2019 issue*). Local pickups are also available. Contact Camille Guerrero, at 323-769-7135 or camille.guerrero@upliftfs.org. Hollygrove is a division of Uplift Family Services.
A final note: Try to match donations to what is needed. It might be tempting to clear out a closet or the toy box for donating, and sometimes that is helpful. However, it is also important to make sure donations are actually going to good use. Look at the wish lists or ask the organizations what is needed. Sometimes, the best option is a cash donation, which allows the organization flexibility in applying the funds to what is most needed. Never just leave food or clothing just at the door or near encampments. Drop items off at approved locations or the items may not get used and can just end up adding trash to our streets.
Category: People