Rachel Olivier
Rachel Olivier's Latest Posts
Crafty COVID crochet projects and adventures in Etsy selling
If anyone had told me that I might end up selling handmade products online, I would not have believed that person. Yet, here I am in my Larchmont home, selling a variety of hand-crocheted items on Etsy — and enjoying it. Crocheting was a craft my grandma taught me as a child. I was left-handed […]
Rotary Pumpkin patch, Tree Lot open 15th year on Blvd.
The Wilshire Rotary Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Lot that appear annually at the vacant lot at 568 N. Larchmont Blvd. each October and December celebrate 15 years on Larchmont this year! The pumpkin patch will be open Sat., Oct. 9 through Sat., Oct. 30 (or until they run out of pumpkins). Hours are Monday […]
Donate to HopeNet to help restaurants, and enjoy a meal, too
Taste of Larchmont may be on pause (again) this year, but HopeNet’s executive director, Brandy Muñiz, wants everyone to know that he or she can help HopeNet while enjoying and supporting some of Larchmont’s eateries as well. When donors give $250, $500, $750, or $1,000 to HopeNet, a portion of that donation will be given […]
Schools recommence in-person graduation ceremonies
During a year unlike most, seniors, their families and school officials worked together to create commencement ceremonies that were safe, hopeful and properly acknowledged the accomplishments of the class of 2021. • • • Immaculate Heart High School, class of 1991 graduate, Tyra Banks, addressed 108 seniors Wed., June 2 at the Hollywood Bowl. Banks […]
New things to come in 2021 for Scout troops and packs
Despite the novel coronavirus pandemic, Boy and Cub Scouts still meet (albeit via Zoom), participate in activities together (outdoors and socially distanced), and explore new territory (though maybe closer to home). Cub Scouts Pack 16 Cubmaster Alexandra Liston of Cub Scouts Pack 16 (for grades kindergarten to 5th), which meets through St. Brendan School, said […]