North Larchmont Boulevard medians are abloom

| June 12, 2014 | 0 Comments


After months of anticipation, trees and plants are being installed in the median strips at the north entrance to Larchmont Boulevard.

The project was awarded grant funds as a part of the 2009 Metro Call for Projects. Community groups also contributed funding, including the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society, the Windsor Square Association and the Hancock Park Garden Club.

BUSINESS OWNERS, neighbors and city officials gathered at the groundbreaking for new medians on Aug. 12.

BUSINESS OWNERS, neighbors and city officials gathered at the groundbreaking for new medians on Aug. 12.

Following the Aug. 12 groundbreaking, Bureau of Street Services crews dug the trench for the first of three medians, officially titled Larchmont Boulevard Medians Phase II.

The eight-feet-wide medians were installed between Melrose Ave. and Rosewood Ave. The first  contains a gateway monument similar to the one installed at south Larchmont Blvd. and Third St.

median Sept 28

EIGHT-FOOT-WIDE tranches were dug.

That median project was funded, designed and constructed a decade ago from First to Third St. and was spearheaded by LaBonge’s  current chief of staff Carolyn Ramsay.

THE MEDIANs create a greener, cooler environment to the street.

THE MEDIANS create a greener, cooler environment to the street.

The projects calm traffic, prevent illegal U-turns, and increase pedestrian safety, said the Councilman. They also create a greener, cooler environment by adding landscape and street trees to clean the air and reduce the temperature of the street, said LaBonge

Larchmont Village Neighborhood Association has agreed to maintain the new medians.


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