Tag: Larchmont Village
Growing community everywhere she goes
During the pandemic, neighbors in Larchmont Village planned a local Halloween so families and children could enjoy the holiday safely, complete with one home rigging a shoot that blasted contact-free candy at the trick-or-treaters. In 2023, the Bronson Avenue block party was reinvigorated when COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. It attracted roughly 1,500 people and raised […]
More stores to open on Larchmont
The Boulevard will soon have a stylish office supply shop. Shorthand, specializing in beautiful desk paraphernalia, recently signed a lease for one of the last available spots at the Larchmont Mercantile building, according to a spokesperson for the Mercantile, the new multi-shop building that originally was built as the Lipson Building in the 1920s. Since […]
Parking in the center lane on Larchmont is not legal
You can get a ticket and a point on your license Recently, there has been much talk and annoyance about people parking in the center (turning) lane on Larchmont Boulevard, especially between Beverly Boulevard and First Street.The Larchmont Chronicle decided to find out if it’s legal. The short answer is “no.” Los Angeles Police Department […]
‘Taste’ was enjoyed on Boulevard
Many restaurants served at fundraiser The post-pandemic return of the annual Taste of Larchmont was a big success, according to Hope’s Net executive director Brandy Muñiz. More than 300 Larchmontians and neighbors greeted one another walking up and down the Boulevard on Sept. 19, sampling food tastes from local eateries at the traditional Monday evening […]
Holiday trees coming to town
Trees are expected to arrive on Sat., Nov. 27 at the Wilshire Rotary Christmas Tree Lot, 568 N. Larchmont Blvd. “This is our 15th year,” said Rotarian Wendy Clifford. This year’s crop is expected to be limited due to a heat wave in Oregon and Washington in June 2021. “Some tree types and sizes may […]
Letters to the Editor
Historic Rossmore I am the grandson of the original builder / developer, Harry Feigenbaum, who successfully built the Ravenswood Apartments prior to the project at 410 N. Rossmore [“Rossmore apartment project presented at a ‘town hall,’” October, 2021.] He owned the property free and clear and operated the Ravenswood. Never being satisfied to sit back […]