Brookside parties, Lillian Way marks 4th of July

BROOKSIDE block party included ponies, a water slide, music and a barbecue. Here chairman Roy Forbes, left, judges the watermelon-eating contest.
Residents on Lillian Way, Cahuenga Blvd. and Wilcox Ave. will celebrate Independence Day in style, and take some cues from their Brookside neighbors, who sure know how to throw a party.
Lillian Way
Lillian Way will be closed off for the 18th annual Fourth of July Block Party beginning at 4:30 p.m. It features the Yankee Doodle Dandy decorated bike, scooter and wagon parade, a three-legged sack race and water-balloon toss, said organizer Jordana Brown. Bounce houses and firetrucks with real, live fireman are also part of the fun.

YOUNGSTERS took part in Lillian Way’s Yankee Doodle Dandy decorated bike, soccer and wagon parade last year.
Everyone brings his own grill, food and drinks, plus a side dish or dessert to share on a communal table. At sundown, neighbors settle into chairs and watch the fireworks set off at the nearby Wilshire Country Club.
In addition to Brown, Evan Corday helped organize the event.
Friends and neighbors joined in the festivities June 22 at the 35th annual Brookside Block Party.
Aroma of grilled meats filled the air and neighbors brought dishes to share at the sprawling event centered at Muirfield and 9th St.
Residents of Longwood and Tremaine made appetizers while Highland Ave. tossed the salads. Casseroles cooked courtesy of Hudson and Muirfield were placed next to side dishes from neighbors on Mullen. Desserts hailed from Keniston and Rimpau, the group who also brought the wine.
Street-by-street guidelines on what to bring to the party were mapped out by the Friends of Brookside, who after so many years, have the legendary summer event down to a science and an art.
Live music entertained the crowd, while the younger set rode a water slide and took part in pony rides, had their faces paint and visited a petting zoo. Watermelon, dessert and pie-eating contests rounded out the fabulous time.
Donations help support community preservation, an annual movie night in Memorial Park, holiday caroling aboard a horse and wagon, safety and crime prevention and disaster preparedness.
Category: Entertainment