Civic leaders give median trees formal send-off

AT CEREMONY bidding farewell to Miracle Mile median trees, were, from left, Lyn MacEwen Cohen, Randy Murphy and Walter Marks III.
An official farewell to the 82 trees to be removed from Wilshire Blvd. medians during Metro’s Purple Line Extension subway construction drew civic leaders to a ceremony at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art plaza in October.
The historical landscape of Miracle Mile is undergoing a major transformation, said Lyn MacEwen Cohen, founder of the Miracle Mile Civic Coalition, who organized the event.
Kasey Shuda, Metro project manager, said the trees will be replaced on a 2:1 ratio. She complimented the community groups for their participation in the project.
Randy Murphy, chairman of the Wilshire Blvd. Median Advisory Committee, spoke on the project that affects Canary Island palms, camphor and laurels between La Brea and Fairfax avenues.
Walter Marks III, president of the Coalition, told the group of the history of the assessment district which funds the maintenance of the median.
Officer Charles Thomas of LAPD Wilshire Division, said a few trees will be relocated to the Division at 4865 Venice Blvd.
Other civic leaders attending included Steve Kramer, president of the Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce, and Steve Rosenthal, head of the Wilshire Community Police Council.
Greg Applegate, arborist with Arborgate Consulting, has determined that nine of the 82 trees are healthy enough to be relocated.
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