Tag: Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce

TV costumes saluted, Tarfest, the arts celebrated at LACMA
The Television Academy joined forces with the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) Museum to present the 12th annual exhibit of the “Art of Television Costume Design” Aug. 18. Some 600 very lucky guests, honorees and designers descended on the downtown grounds of the Institute for a first look at Emmy-nominated costumes from nine […]

Larchmont Village and the Chronicle’s Jane Gilman: a love affair
You might recognize her name as the co-founder and former publisher of the Chronicle, or recognize her face as a volunteer for a number of clubs and organizations. That’s because Jane Gilman has been a fixture on Larchmont for more than five decades. Her love for Larchmont first began in 1963, the year that she […]

Mile Chamber honors former publisher
Larchmont Chronicle co-founder and former publisher Jane Gilman was honored Jan. 11 at the Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce board meeting. Recognized as a “trail blazer,” Gilman donned a Davy Crockett-style coonskin cap as she accepted the chamber’s first annual honoree award. “As Mae West said, ‘I climbed the ladder of success wrong by […]

Govan, Ryu to speak at ‘TarFest’ preview Sept. 6
Art, culture and community will be the topics of the Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce “TarFest” luncheon Wed., Sept. 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 5905 Wilshire Blvd. Speakers include LACMA CEO Michael Govan, Councilman David Ryu and TarFest co-founder James Panozzo. The chamber luncheon […]

City planner talks historic preservation with residents
Local residents filled the Windsor Room of the Wilshire Country Club Feb. 11 to hear Los Angeles principal city planner Ken Bernstein talk on a range of issues from historic preservation to city planning. Taking the podium, Bernstein was quick to point out that Los Angeles is a city with a rich architectural heritage that […]

Community gives Chronicle’s Jane Gilman standing ovation
Community leaders, business owners, government representatives and neighborhood friends all gathered at The Ebell of Los Angeles to celebrate both the retirement and birthday (on her actual birthday) of one of the community’s most beloved stalwarts, Larchmont Chronicle co-founder Jane Gilman. “Jane credits luck, timing, ambition, diplomacy, gregariousness, more luck, and fearlessness as the attributes […]