Brookside, Sycamore Square seek protection

BROOKSIDE home on Longwood Ave.
Two neighborhoods were given the okay to pursue an Interim Control Ordinance to prevent teardowns of homes in their areas by the city Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) last month.
If approved, Brookside and Sycamore Square would be given the protection most likely this spring, said Tom Rothmann, city planner.
A land use and environmental study will be conducted. Then “it is referred to the city attorney to be formally drafted and then back to PLUM and then on to full city council for final vote.”
The council was tentatively set to vote on the motion to ask the city attorney to draft the ordinance on Oct. 28 as the Chronicle went to press. The temporary measure protects neighborhoods from teardowns of single-family homes while city officials continue to fine tune a citywide Baseline Mansionization Ordinance.
Several neighborhoods already have an ICO, including Miracle Mile and Larchmont Heights.
“We have widespread support for it in the neighborhood and have also started conversations regarding an HPOZ (Historic Preservation Overlay Zone). The initial response to an HPOZ from neighbors has been very positive,” said Ann Eggleston, board member of the Sycamore Square Neighborhood Association.
New board
At the Sycamore Square group’s annual meeting last month, elections were held for new SSNA board members, to replace Linda DeLeon, Ann Eggleston and Elizabeth Fuller, whose terms were up.
New members are Matt Tenggren, Sue Horwitz, past president of the SSNA, and Charla Gardner.
Continuing on the board are Eric Oliver, Rob Schoenberger, Daniela Arellano and Matt Hennessey.
Eggleston said she would continue as the group’s representative on the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council. Liz Fuller will also continue as a mentor to the board
The board will vote for officers Nov. 1.
Preservation issues told in newsletter
Everything you want to know about Interim Control Ordinances and other preservation matters can be found in the Neighborhood Conservation Newsletter launched last month by the city Planning Dept.
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