A little giving can go a long way

THANKSGIVING “TURKEY” volunteer Dave Cooper leads kids in a turkey dance at Big Sunday’s Thanksgiving Stuffing Event last year.
Giving a little time, attention or resources can have a ripple effect in people’s lives, doing more good than we can imagine. The holiday season provides ample opportunities for helping others in the community and making a difference.
The following local charities would love help and donations. Often events are available throughout the year, so check for chances to give back year-round.
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St. Anne’s Guild, 155 N. Occidental Blvd., will hold its 80th annual Christmas Boutique Sat., Nov. 2, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy hearing Christmas carols played on the piano and listen to the Christ the King choir while shopping. Santa is also scheduled to make an appearance.
Besides holiday décor, there will be thrift shop finds, independent vendors selling their wares, and baked goods available for purchase. Proceeds benefit St. Anne’s home.
St. Anne’s is collecting gifts for babies ages newborn to three and teenage girls ages 13 to 18. Gift cards from major retailers and grocers are also welcome. Deadline for the drive is Sat., Dec. 21.
Bring wrapping paper, ribbon, scissors and tape to wrap gifts for residents Tues., Dec. 17 and Wed., Dec. 18.
Contact Ardriono “Oge” Aldridge at aaldridge@stannes.org or call 213-381-2931, ext. 341.
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Get to know Alexandria House, 426 S. Alexandria Ave., at a free “Tea and Tour” event Sun., Nov. 17, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Learn what the transitional home provides while enjoying tea, finger sandwiches and desserts. Hear stories from current and past residents, and then take a tour.
In December, help Alexandria House launch #GivingTuesday Tues., Dec. 3 and come back for the neighborhood holiday party Sat., Dec. 14, 1 to 3 p.m.
Donations of gifts or gift cards are also greatly appreciated. Contact Michele Richards at 213-381-2649 or michele@alexandriahouse.org.
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Celebrating 100 years, Assistance League of Los Angeles, 826 Cole Ave., which includes Operation School Bell, the Nine O’Clock Players, the Assisteens, and other groups, has many opportunities for giving back. In November, there is a family day of service at the Assistance League Theatre, 1367 N. St. Andrews Pl., Sat., Nov. 16, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants make “no-sew blankets” for foster youth.
Call 323-545-4847 or email events@assistanceleaguela.org.
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Aviva Family and Children’s Services, 7120 Franklin Ave., is looking for people to participate in the Adopt-a-Family-and/or-Foster-Child holiday drive. Participants contribute to the family or foster child’s holiday using a wish list of wants and needs. Provided with the wish list is the family or child’s story to give the adopter a better idea of how to shop for them.
Gifts must be unwrapped. Deadline is Fri., Nov. 29.
Contact Azucena Navarrete at 323-876-0550, ext. 1122 or anavarrete@aviva.org.
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Big Sunday, 6111 Melrose Ave., has a complete list of ways to volunteer over the holidays, including helping to pack dinners at the Thanksgiving Stuffing Event Wed., Nov. 27, 9 a.m. to noon.
A sing-along with seniors for Hanukkah is Wed., Dec. 11, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hear holiday music by singers and musicians in the Big Sunday community Sat., Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. Have more holiday fun Sun., Dec. 15, 3 to 5 p.m. at the annual holiday party.
Donations of food, clothing and other items are also welcome. Call 323-549-9944 or visit bigsunday.org.
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Spend a night on the street with Covenant House of California at its Executive Sleep Out, Thurs., Nov. 21, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Participants pledge to stay outside overnight for 12 hours to help raise money for the youth homeless shelter for people ages 18 to 24 at 1325 N. Western Ave.
Covenant House also appreciates donations of gift cards, items such as towels, blankets, books, clothes and portable chargers. A wish list is available on the charity’s website.
Celebrate Thanksgiving Tuesday, Tues., Nov. 26, 6 to 8 p.m. Guests and volunteers are encouraged to donate $10 to $25 gift cards, new blankets, twin sheet sets or bath towels.
Call 323-461-3131 or visit covenanthousecalifornia.org.
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Downtown Women’s Center (DWC), which helps homeless women find housing and employment, seeks volunteers for packing and sorting donations. The next training is Sat., Dec. 14, 10 a.m. to noon. Gift cards in $20 amounts to grocery stores or large retail stores, also are appreciated.
Shop the online gift store, Home and Gift Collection (madebydwc.org), for soap, candles and greeting cards crafted from upcycled and donated materials by women at the center. Call 213-680-0600 or visit downtownwomenscenter.org.
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Visit the Elizabeth Vruwink Gift Shop at Good Samaritan Hospital, 616 S. Witmer St., hosted by the hospital’s auxiliary, for the shop’s annual holiday preview, Mon., Nov. 4. Free gift wrapping will be available.
Holiday hours for the gift shop are Mondays, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Call 213-977-2358 or visit goodsam.org for information.
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Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children, 1650 Rockwood St., has wish lists for items needed by adults, children, teens and people moving into their own apartments. There is a wish list on Amazon, but gift cards from grocers, retailers and bookstores also are helpful. Call 213-482-1834 or visit gschomeless.org/donate-an-item.
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Hollygrove, 815 N. El Centro Ave., a division of Uplift Family Services, accepts food care packages or cash donations to help underwrite its programs.
Also wanted are unwrapped gifts for children ages infant to 15 for the holiday toy drive.
Check the website for a wish list year-round. Contact Camille Guerrero, at 323-769-7135 or camille.guerrero@upliftfs.org.
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Drop off new shoes in bins at the Olympic watch commander’s office by the beginning of December for Operation Shoes from Santa, 1130 S. Vermont Ave., Thurs., Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. The winter wonderland event will have real snow, Santa’s workshop, hot chocolate and treats, plus a visit from Santa.
Call Eric Mollinedo at 213-382-9140 or email him at 31754@lapd.lacity.org.
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Project Angel Food, 922 Vine St., which delivers meals to people with critical illness, needs volunteers to help with meal prep and delivery year-round.
But you can also donate goods to the birthday bag program or unwrapped gifts to be distributed to clients’ children and grandchildren ages infant to 17.
Purchase pies or cookies made by Project Angel Food. Every $5 donated pays for one meal. Visit angelfood.org/ways-to-give or call 323-845-1800.
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St. Brendan Church, 310 S. Van Ness Ave., has a food drive that runs through Thanksgiving Day, Thurs., Nov. 28. Nonperishable food items are collected and then caravanned over to Hope Net’s food pantry at Wilshire Presbyterian. Call 323-936-4656.
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St. Brendan School, 238 S. Manhattan Pl., will have its annual holiday boutique Sun., Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 213-382-7401.
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St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, 2303 Miramar St., which delivers hot meals, will be preparing holiday gifts for seniors; donations of small-sized toiletries or funds for the gifts are welcome.
A fundraising event at Petrossian in West Hollywood, 321 S. Robertson Blvd. is Sun., Dec. 8. The “Caviar Salon” begins at 5:30 p.m., and Champagne and caviar are served from 7 to 9 p.m.
Call Daryl Twerdahl, 213-484-7775, or visit stvincentmow.org.
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Wilshire Boulevard Temple hosts the Big Give at the Karsh Center, 3750 W. 6th St., giving out complete bags of Thanksgiving dinners for families of four in need Sun., Nov. 24. The community event includes arts and crafts activities, live performances and wellness and resource booths.
Donations are welcome to help pay for the dinners. Volunteers are needed to help pack and pass out the food.
Email biggive@karshcenter.org or visit karshcenter.org/biggive.
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