Zombies, rides at Halloween Haunt in Wilshire Park

COSTUME contest returns this year to Wilshire Park’s Halloween Haunt. Above, some revelers at last year’s event.
Wilshire Park is preparing a pot of witches’ brew and some real-life (or is it real-dead?) zombies for its eighth annual Halloween Haunt Sat., Oct. 28.
The gruesome fun takes place from 4 to 8:30 p.m. on Bronson Ave. between Wilshire and Eighth St.
Festivities include old favorites and new ones, said Lorna Hennington, Wilshire Park Association board member and Halloween Haunt chair.
Among the attractions are a Hitchcock-themed “Where the Woodbine Twineth Haunted House,” a ghost train, fortune teller, face painting, piñata, bouncers, dance party, silent auction, carnival games, food and costume contests.
“The event has morphed from a simple front-yard get-together into our major social and fundraising event,” said Hennington.
Wilshire Park is an Historic Preservation Overlay Zone bordered by Wilshire, Crenshaw, Olympic and Wilton.
For more information, visit wilshirepark.wixsite.com/halloween
Category: Entertainment