Tag: Wilshire Park
Wilshire Park Association Halloween Haunt
Wilshire Park Association Halloween Haunt, Bronson Ave. between Wilshire Blvd. and 9th St., 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., wilshirepark.org.

Haunted holidays came early for Wilshire Park neighbors
Halloween came early this year to Wilshire Park. In lieu of its annual Halloween Haunt, the neighborhood kicked off the season with an “in-your-own-front-yard” picnic and a scavenger hunt. And residents opened a ghoulish storefront, d’See’s, as in “deceased,” said Wilshire Park Association (WPA) board member Lorna Hennington. WPA Treasurer Roberta O’Donnell researched the history […]

Warner Henry, remembered: Local luminary, a founder of LA Opera, died Aug. 1
He was a larger-than-life personality, a man of dramatic contrasts. His favorite artists were Claude Monet and Hieronymus Bosch. He was a connoisseur of the world’s finest wines, but his favorite meal included meat loaf. His always-ready wit and sense of humor covered a very deep seriousness, like his preferred president, Ronald Reagan. In his […]