Windsor Square Association leader, Mike Genewick
Longtime Windsor Square Association (WSA) board member, treasurer and past president Michael Genewick passed away on Feb. 10. Mike selflessly devoted years of energy to civic involvement. He was generous in supporting projects he felt were a benefit to the neighborhood, and he could always be counted on to step up and volunteer for whatever tasks were in the best interests of Windsor Square.
Mike was admired by and had many friends on the WSA board and in our community. In addition to his years of service on the board of WSA, Mike had served as a director of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council for years. He will be greatly missed. Mike’s family provided the following message to share with the community:
“It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing of Windsor Square resident Michael Stephen ‘Mike’ Genewick, who passed away at his home on February 10 at the age of 80. He was a beloved husband, father and grandfather, known as ‘Papa’ to his 12 grandchildren.

MIKE GENEWICK is pictured with wife Katherine.
“Mike was an active member in the community for over 40 years, including as a coach and referee for baseball and Region 78 AYSO soccer to most recently serving on the Windsor Square Association board until this past January. He was devoted to St. Brendan Catholic Church, regularly serving as a lector and as a Eucharistic minister.
“He is survived by his wife Katherine, his children: Steve (Linda) Los Angeles; Andrew (Cathleen) Los Angeles; Michael (Tonya) Wichita Falls, TX; Katie (Andy) Los Angeles; Joanne (Kemmie) St. Peter, MN; and his grandchildren Tucker, Austin, Cailyn, Kiyomi, Joseph, Luke, Thomas, Gavin, Gabriel, James, John Paul, and Jacob. He also is survived by his sister, Carol Riddle of Lockport, NY.
“Mike, born on March 8, 1941, grew up in Lockport, where he met his wife Kathi. They were married for 55 years. After graduating from Niagara University, Mike served 10 years in the U.S. Air Force, rising to the rank of captain and flying over 100 combat missions in Vietnam.
“After moving to Los Angeles, Mike was an executive at the Watson Land Company until purchasing and operating the Carson Car Wash until his retirement in 2004.
“Following his retirement, he continued to play golf, do puzzles, visit his cabin at Hume Lake and spend time with his family.
“He was a proud, generous man who always wanted to share words of wisdom with others. He did not live forever, but his legacy will continue on through his children, grandchildren and numerous people he coached, loved or otherwise inspired.”
A funeral Mass was held Feb. 15 at St. Brendan Church. Memorial contributions may be made to Village for Vets. Condolences for the family and donations to Village for Vets may be offered online at:
Larry Guzin is the Windsor Square Association’s president.
Category: People