Village Cadettes are busy on Silver projects
Lachmont Village Girl Scouts is a Cadette troop of seventh and eighth graders who have been together since the first and second grades.
“The 16 girls love to hike, camp, go on adventures and help their community,” said the Troop #495 leader Amy Elvis Kiehl Miller.
“The entire troop completed Bronze Awards two years ago, and now the girls have split up to work on their Silver Awards, which are based in completing a community activity that effects a (positive) permanent change in the community.”
Some of the Silver Award projects that the girls are working on are: Birthday in a Box for Children’s Hospital; building a local library in a neighborhood where children do not have access to a library; helping to put a program in place to provide helmets for children hoping to learn how to ride a horse; various animal rescue projects; and implementing permanent clothing donation programs from various production companies to shelters and temporary housing facilities.
“Our troop is very self-sufficient,” Miller added. The girls raise all the money themselves for trips and adventures and pay to support all their community service activities. “A lot of that money comes from their cookie sales, and speaking of…
“Most people think cookies when they hear the words ‘Girl Scouts,’ and in fact cookie season is coming up,” said Miller.
“We will be “boothing” on Larchmont and in neighborhoods surrounding Larchmont starting February 5.
“There are at least four troops who have girls in the area, so we hope you take the time to visit with and support all of us!
“And, buy cookies!”
Category: People