Tag: Larchmont Village Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts gear up to sell their famous cookies
If you just polished off that last box of your favorite Girl Scout cookie, have no fear, the cookies will go on sale again starting Sun., Jan. 29, selling until March 12. Several area troops, including St. James-based Troop 16065, Larchmont Village Girls Scouts (Senior Troop 495) and their younger troop counterpart, the New Larchmont […]

Village Cadettes are busy on Silver projects
Lachmont Village Girl Scouts is a Cadette troop of seventh and eighth graders who have been together since the first and second grades. “The 16 girls love to hike, camp, go on adventures and help their community,” said the Troop #495 leader Amy Elvis Kiehl Miller. “The entire troop completed Bronze Awards two years ago, […]