Unlocked, child’s first bike is stolen from the Boulevard

IN WINDSOR SQUARE, Tate Armstrong-Clossey proudly rides her first bike to Larchmont.
Riding bikes up to Larchmont street for an afternoon on the Boulevard is an experience that families in this area enjoy and treasure. For many young Larchmontians, these wheeled outings make them feel extra grown-up and proud.
Sadly, one little girl, Tate Armstrong-Clossey, ended up with very different feelings after her very first bike trip to Larchmont Boulevard.
The four-year-old girl, her mother Sarah Clossey and her grandmother Jeanne-Marie Clossey spent an afternoon shopping and having lunch Aug. 21. Sarah Clossey showed her daughter how to park her bike in the bike rack near Bank of America but, as they had left bikes before without having an issue, they didn’t lock the new bike.
After having been away from the bike for 90 minutes and enjoying “a lovely meal at Great White, [we] walked back to find it was gone,” says Sarah Clossey. The discovery was made at around 3:30 p.m. and, understandably, Tate was very sad.
The mother says, “[It was the] cutest pink bike with green fenders with flowers on them and training wheels and a basket.” It breaks her heart that this was her daughter’s first experience bike riding to the Boulevard.
They posted a “Lost Childs Bike” sign on the bike racks by the bank and plan to file a police report with hopes they will then have access to security camera footage.
The night of the incident, as Tate was being tucked in, she said, “Mommy, why would someone want to take my bike?” Sarah Clossey says, “My thoughts exactly.”
Category: People