Tag: Measure S

Re-elections for mayor, CD5, CD13
None of the 10 challengers, including Windsor Square neighbor Mitchell Schwartz, was able to force Mayor Eric Garcetti into a run-off election. Garcetti received 81 percent of the votes cast in the March election. In Council District 5, incumbent Paul Koretz won with 66 percent of the vote. In adjoining Council District 13, Mitch O’Farrell […]

Community Comment
“Yes” for preservation. “No” for a construction moratorium. For more than a year, this newspaper has covered Michael Weinstein’s AIDS Healthcare Foundation proposal to stop construction of the building across from the foundation’s own high-rise offices on Sunset Blvd., and, in so doing, stop construction near subway stations and many other parts of Los Angeles […]

Is Measure ‘S’ all about saving a view?
Guest writer articles advocating “yes” and “no” on Measure S can be found on the front page at: http://issuu.com/larchmontchronicle/docs/lc_02_2017. Is the Measure S ballot initiative that would halt much construction for two years citywide, and that is going to the voters in March, really just about a powerful executive trying to protect the […]

Measure ‘S’ lacks vision; city needs to grow humanely
Last month, the Larchmont Chronicle covered the meeting organized by construction moratorium proponents at Third St. School in Hancock Park. Responding to that article is the following guest column by Fred Mariscal, local resident and former member of the board of directors of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council. I was originally interested to learn about […]