Tag: Marlborough Summer School

Number of teens with summer jobs increases in 2022
What started as training her family friend’s dog became a summer job and a hobby for Lior Ronen, a junior at Marlborough School. Inspired by her love for dogs, Ronen began to train puppies during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, because of her busy schedule upon returning to school inperson for the 2021-2022 school year, Ronen […]

Summer Camps during COVID-19
This summer, “camp” is not about the campsite. Traditions, like camp songs, arts and crafts, dress-up days or bonding with counselors, help to bring campers closer together, and it is activities like those that camps this summer are holding onto during this time of COVID-19 social-distancing regulations. Los Angeles County announced that, effective June 12, […]