Tag: Councilman David Ryu

Dusseault is guest speaker at block captain salute
Transparency and accountability are the bywords of Fourth District City Councilman David Ryu. Sarah Dusseault, Ryu’s chief of staff, outlined the councilman’s goals as he nears his first 100 days in office. Dusseault was guest speaker at the annual Windsor Square Association block captains appreciation dinner at Wilshire Country Club in late September. Close to […]

Staffing, street safety, repair, traffic on Ryu’s to-do list
Nikki Ezhari’s appointment as senior deputy for Fourth District City Councilman David Ryu last month marks the appointment of more than half of his initial 15-member team, said chief of staff Sarah Dusseault. A key focus of the new team is fulfilling the councilman’s campaign promise. “We’ve been pretty clear our agenda is to bring […]

Ryu takes office July 1 following runoff victory
On July 1, David Ryu will take the oath of office to become City Councilman for the fourth district following his victory in the May 19 election. Ryu, who defeated Carolyn Ramsay by 1,600 votes in the race to replace Tom LaBonge as councilman, will govern an area from Sherman Oaks to Miracle Mile. His […]