Dusseault is guest speaker at block captain salute
Transparency and accountability are the bywords of Fourth District City Councilman David Ryu.
Sarah Dusseault, Ryu’s chief of staff, outlined the councilman’s goals as he nears his first 100 days in office.
Dusseault was guest speaker at the annual Windsor Square Association block captains appreciation dinner at Wilshire Country Club in late September.
Close to 50 volunteer block captains and Association board members heard of Ryu’s plans to appoint a discretionary funds task force to review the approximately $1.5 million the office receives each year.
“We are also listing the 10 top issues affecting neighborhoods. These will be our priorities,” she said.
Dusseault fielded questions about cut-through traffic, coyotes and parkway trees following her talk.
She also answered a question concerning Ryu’s name. “It is pronounced Roo.”
Larry Guzin, WSA president, thanked the block captains for their work in keeping the neighborhood safe, and he introduced Caroline Moser and Katie Jones, co-chairs of the Block Captain program. Garry Duff, security committee head, talked about the association‘s water barrel project. He encouraged residents to purchase 55-gallon containers and fill them with water to be prepared for an emergency.
Category: People