Survivor tells of hope at 100th

JOE ALEXANDER celebrates his 100th birthday.
It’s official. November 20 is Joe Alexander Day in the City of Los Angeles. Alexander is a Holocaust survivor who just turned 100. He is a bright and beloved speaker at Holocaust Museum LA.
At the recent celebration, the local resident received multiple certificates from city, county and state offices honoring his service.
Beverly Hills Mayor Lili Bosse, a daughter of Holocaust survivors, presented Alexander with a certificate and told him, “You are a gift to all of us. You are our sunshine and our guardian angel.”
Alexander believes telling his story — including meeting Dr. Mengele (aka Dr. Death) three times — especially to middle and high school kids, is his most important mission. When asked how he stayed so positive during World War II, he responds, “I never lost hope because I always said today could be bad but tomorrow will be better.”
Category: People