Shower of Hope, honoring veterans among scout activities

| January 29, 2020 | 0 Comments

PACK 16 TIGERS advanced to Wolves at May banquet.

The troops and packs have been busy this past year. The big news is that Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America) has opened its doors to girls. But other news from local scouting groups also includes an assembly honoring veterans, competing in the Pinewood Derby and helping others with the Shower of Hope.

Socks and Soap

“This year the Scouts came together to collect socks, towels and toiletries for ‘Shower of Hope,’” says Diane Gilmore, who volunteers with the scouting community. St. James’ Church is visited by a mobile shower facility Saturday mornings.

Patrols held competitions for the most soap and socks collected. Cubs collected at den meetings, and scouts learned more about cooperation and support for the less fortunate in the community.

New at Pack 10

Now that Scouts BSA has opened its doors to girls,   “Pack 10 is proud of our three new female Cubs,” says Gil-more. “The girls seem to know just what to do with a Pinewood Derby car and thrive on field adventures to Hyperion Water Treatment Plant, the Watts Towers and the Aviation Park in Santa Monica,” she continued.

Pack 10 launched the school year with a barbecue. Bear Cubs earned their Tote ’n Chip by carving bars of soap.  Older Cubs tied knots and played relay games. The Webelos hosted the Cub Olympics in the fall, and the bears hosted a Christmas Carnival. All 54 Cubs cut their Pinewood Derby cars in January.

WORLD WAR II veteran Alexander Liston was one of the honorees at the November assembly.

Pack 16: Veterans honored

“At the November assembly we honored seven vets,” says cubmaster Alexandra Liston. One was Alexander Liston, age 94, who served in World War II. Another honoree was St. Brendan’s Monsignor Fleming.

Last May, a banquet was held where, among other events, Webelos were advanced to Cubs.

Upcoming events include the annual Pinewood Derby in early April and a pancake breakfast on May 3. These are open to the public and tickets are $5.

WEBELOS of Pack 16 advanced at May banquet.

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