Re-Elect Councilman Ryu
There are many reasons why the Larchmont Chronicle recommends the re-election of David Ryu. His record is one of careful attention to the Fourth Council District, and that bodes well for him — and for us — in a second term in office.
Our recommendation to vote for Ryu notwithstanding, we commend the three other CD4 candidates for stepping up and entering into the public dialogue about the issues of our time in this district. We hope that each of them stays active in community organizations. Perhaps they will let the mayor put their skills to even more use through commission appointments in the future.
But why Ryu? He and the other candidates agree, possibly 100 percent, on what are the issues of the day confronting our neighborhoods and our city. Homelessness, traffic, affordable housing, crime.
Not only does Ryu agree that these are the issues, he has actively addressed them during his first four years in office. In a long-developed central part of the city like Greater Wilshire, where vacant land is scarce, the councilmember and his staff have worked hard to find sites for bridge housing and permanent supportive housing. And many of those projects have been completed or are in the works.
We also commend Ryu for his City Council legislative work seeking to make housing more affordable (including his leadership in opposing State Senate Bill 50 — legislation designed by and for developers and builders to create opportunities for them to build additional luxury housing, not affordable housing).
We further salute Ryu’s successful efforts to create or improve parks and recreation areas in the district and to address traffic issues in balanced ways. On March 3, vote for Ryu.
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