New TVC appeals filed

| October 24, 2024 | 0 Comments

By the Oct. 15 deadline, there were six appeals filed of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission’s recent approval of a major real estate development project proposed at the former CBS TV studio at Beverly Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue.

HACKMAN CAPITAL PARTNERS seeks 1.9 million square feet of development rights at the
corner of Beverly Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue. Imagery ©2024 Google, Imagery ©2024 CNES /
Airbus, Maxar Technologies, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA/FPAC/GEO, Map data ©2024 Google

“The process has been opaque and poorly managed.  The project is out of scale and out of character with the neighborhood, the uses are poorly defined, and the zoning constitutes a blank check for future development,” Shelley Wagers, of Neighbors for Responsible TVC Development, one of the appellants, wrote in an email to the Chronicle.

The group, representing a coalition of residents, businesses and community groups, will speak on behalf of the community at the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee hearing, the date for which had not been announced by press time.

The other appellants are A.F. Gilmore Co., Beverly Wilshire Homes Association, Mayer Beverly Park LP, Save Beverly Fairfax and The Grove.

Three Letters of Determination, which certified the TVC 2050 Project and denied nine prior appeals, were issued Oct. 3 by the Planning Commission.

Next up: PLUM
The vesting tentative tract map, or subdivision for the project, is appealable to the Los Angeles City Council. Prior to review by the full council, the matter will be before the PLUM Committee.

On Sept. 12, near the end of the Planning Commission’s six-hour hybrid public hearing in City Hall and via Zoom, the size and scope of the proposed 1.75 million-square-foot project were trimmed by the developer in response to requests made by City Council District 5 Councilmember Katy Yaroslavsky.

Her requests included prioritizing entertainment business-related uses for a controversial additional half-million square feet of new general office space at the site.

Appellants at that hearing were disappointed. “[Councilmember] Yaroslavsky had assured us that the proposed project would be significantly reduced in size and that studio uses would be baked in, not something to ‘prioritize.’ We are disappointed that she gave this her support,” Wagers told us.

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