A City Planning Department ‘out of touch’ with neighbors

A City Planning Department ‘out of touch’ with neighbors

| May 30, 2024 | 0 Comments

A big push from City Hall to build affordable housing fast has left many communities perplexed and angry. Including ours. Called ED 1, the mayor’s executive directive to speed construction of 100-percent affordable housing and address the city’s homelessness crisis has railroaded projects that have hurt some of the communities the program strives to help, […]

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Camel’s nose under the tent: Metro digital billboards throughout our city

Camel’s nose under the tent: Metro digital billboards throughout our city

| September 28, 2023 | 0 Comments

The Los Angeles City Planning Commission did a major disservice to good planning in Los Angeles on September 14th. Even though the details of the Planning Department’s staff report made it clear to anyone with an ounce of sense — showing what can result from “precedents” like the billboard industry’s carefully-lobbied plan to install bright […]

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Billboard blight, digital signs are on City Council agenda

Billboard blight, digital signs are on City Council agenda

| September 28, 2023 | 0 Comments

Glowing billboards on Los Angeles County Metropolitan  Transportation Authority (LACMTA, Metro) properties within the City of Los Angeles are coming closer into view after the City Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the City Council amend a zoning code that bans the flashing signs. At a Sept. 14 public hearing, the Commission approved Metro’s request to […]

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Digital billboard ordinance on a ‘dangerous’ path back to PLUM

Digital billboard ordinance on a ‘dangerous’ path back to PLUM

| April 1, 2021 | 0 Comments

Revisions to billboard and other signage law in Los Angeles are on a dangerous path if you ask Patrick Frank, president of Scenic Los Angeles. His group recently declared victory after the City Planning Commission approved a citywide sign ordinance, Version B-Plus, which would restrict new digital billboards to Regional Commercial Centers, such as the […]

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