New GWNC directors elect new slate of officers
The new Board of Directors of the local Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) elected new officers on April 14. President is Conrad Starr, Sycamore Square. Vice president is Charles D’Atri, Larchmont Village Neighborhood. Jennifer DeVore, Hancock Park, is secretary, and Patti Carroll, Ridgewood – Wilton – St. Andrews Square, was re-elected as treasurer.
The Los Angeles City Clerk had released final results of the March 16 election prior to the meeting, and an anticipated tie-breaking drawing of straws no longer was necessary.
The following are the new representatives (including two Directors and one Alternate selected at the meeting to fill vacancies). The representatives are listed by seat; with the Director’s name first and any Alternate’s name second. 1. Brookside: Owen Smith, Joane Hennenberger Pickett; 2. Citrus Square: Jeffry Carpenter; 3. Country Club Heights: Brian Donahoe, José Tamayo; 4. Fremont Place: Stephanie Lee Leonard; 5. Hancock Park: Jennifer DeVore, David Trainer; 6. La Brea / Hancock: Cathy Roberts; 7. Larchmont Village; Charles D’Atri, Kathryn Burke; 8. Melrose Neighborhood: Christopher Hauck, Philip A. Farha; 9. Oakwood-Maplewood-St. Andrews Neighborhood: Bindhu Varghese; 10. Ridgewood – Wilton – St. Andrews Square: Patricia Carroll; 11. Sycamore Square: Conrad Starr, William Schneider; 12. Western-Wilton (We-Wil) Neighborhood: Juan Portillo Jr.; 13. Wilshire Park: Michael Duggan, John Gresham; 14. Windsor Square: Gary Gilbert, Caroline Labiner Moser; 15. Windsor Village: Stephanie Shim, Beau Lloyd; Renter: Bailey Benningfield, Hayden Conner Ashworth; Business: John Winther, Raphie Cantor; Education: Scott Appel, Kelly Rielly; Religious: Michael Genewick; Other Nonprofit: Cindy Chvatal, Helen Eigenberg; and At-Large: Brian Curran, Joe Suh.
After three hours of this initial meeting of the new board, the Directors voted to continue consideration of the second half of the agenda for one week. The regular May meeting of the new board will be on May 12 at 7 p.m., likely still via Zoom.
Asked the week after the first meeting if the new GWNC officers have yet developed any particular plans for the coming year, board president Starr said: “This year we expect to resume in-person activity. We’re not sure when, or what it will look like, but we know it’s coming.
“As with our switch to virtual meetings, the transition back (or to some sort of hybrid) will require planning and training. We are looking forward to all of it. And the planning starts now: getting our new board acquainted with the rules and with one another. The time we all devote is precious, and we won’t take it for granted.”
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