Local dental practice is a decades-old family affair
On the corner of Larchmont Boulevard and Rosewood Avenue sits a homey dental office that has been serving the Larchmont community for decades.
In 1983, Dr. Arthur Kezian began practicing on Larchmont Boulevard working with another dentist, Dr. Charles Sweet, who had been running his office there since the 1940s. When Dr. Sweet retired, Kezian took over the practice, and it has truly become a family affair.

THE KEZIANS: (left to right) Michael Kezian, Narine Tashjian, Arthur Kezian and Steven Kezian.
Narine Tashjian, who Dr. Kezian met at UCLA’s dental school and later married, joined the practice upon graduating. Dentistry brought them together and has been a huge part of their family’s life as the Kezian clan has grown.
The couple has two adult sons, Michael and Steven, also dentists. When asked about growing up with two dentists for parents, Steven (whom patients call Dr. Steve) said, “All they talked about was teeth.” He recalls going into the office every weekend when he was young. He said, “I would hold a flashlight while we were fixing the X-ray machine or whatever. Our first jobs were to do the accounting at the office.”
Michael Kezian joined the family practice in 2015. Steven Kezian joined a few years later.
As a way to expand, see more patients and be a bit more independent, Michael took over Dr. Karl Zeiler’s practice, just up the street, doing business as Larchmont Dental Associates. All four Kezians are at the original office together every Thursday. “It’s a little crowded. We’re all running around, but it’s fun. Any time I need some advice or have a question, I have three great mentors,” said Steven.
The Kezians strive to treat their patients like family. They have four generations of patients and a big part of the family’s style is their sensitivity with the people they serve. They believe in taking time to show patients what is going on, so each choice is understood, says Steven. “We give them the recommendations we’d give our own family members. Everything we do is for the health of the tooth and prolonging the teeth.” Dr. Steve even mans the phones at the office each weekend to ensure patients with dental emergencies will be taken care of.
Steven says that the family members pride themselves on making sure everything is cosmetically sound. They use tooth-colored crowns and fillings, so things can be functional, solid, long-lasting and also cosmetically appealing. They offer teeth whitening, veneers, porcelain crowns and dental implants. They also use cutting-edge technology with digital X-rays and CT scans.
The Kezians feel fortunate to be practicing in this area. Arthur Kezian grew up locally, attending Hollywood High, and passed by Larchmont Boulevard often. “The Larchmont community has given us so much, we want to be able to give back,” he said.
Nine years ago, the dentists put up their little free library on the wall outside their offices. It was very well received and, five years ago, they added a dog station with treats for dogs and bags for owners. These things “help us feel really connected to the community,” said Steve.
Arthur Kezian started the Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship about six years ago. It is offered to high school seniors and undergraduate and graduate students going into careers in science. The Kezians read through about 100 applications every year and then choose one person to whom they award a $1,200 grant. Applications for the next award just opened, with a due date of Fri., March 31, through drkezian.com/science-scholarship/. “We’ve been here 40 years, and it’s very fulfilling,” said Arthur Kezian.

LITTLE FREE LIBRARY outside the Kezian dental office.
Michael and his wife, Maryse Gellad (who also is a dentist), are expecting their first child in February. Gellad’s father is a dentist as well, so the family has six dental professionals at family gatherings. “We share this passion. When we get together, it’s all we talk about. We don’t feel like we’re working when we’re [at the office] because we’re hanging out with family,” said Steven Kezian.
Whenever the elder Kezians slow down, the brothers will become partners, but that doesn’t look like it will happen anytime soon.
Said Arthur Kezian, “It’s very fulfilling. [Our kids] are achieving those successful moments in dentistry that are really rewarding [for us, as] parents, [to see].” The family is bound together by a love of the work they do. “It’s been a huge part of our whole lives,” said Steven Kezian.
Category: People