CIM Group says ‘no plans for hotel’ in Park Mile area; protest letters attached

DEVELOPMENT has been halted at the newly acquired Farmers Insurance property on Wilshire Blvd.
Community outrage at plans to ignore the Park Mile zoning and build a hotel on the newly acquired Farmers Insurance property has halted the development.
Residents petitioned the Fourth District Council office and the homeowners association to protest the planned project.
A group from Brookside Homeowners Association recently met with executives of CIM Group which purchased the Farmers property for $55 million earlier this year.
“We were pleased to meet with Shaul Kuba, CIM principal, and Clyde Wood, associate vice president, who told us they are not seeking a variance to the Park Mile Specific Plan to build a hotel.” said Jan Wieringa, a spokesman for the Association.
“CIM did have plans for a luxury hotel resort on the property but indicated that they have no alternate plans at present,” she added.
Wilton to Highland
The Park Mile Specific Plan refers to the area between Wilton Place and Highland Ave. It has strict zoning conditions that were put in place in 1987 to preserve the low density, single-family residential nature of the area.
To read the letters that were sent regarding the Park Mile plan go here or continue reading below:
From April 26-28, 2014, nearly fifty neighbors took the time to write to the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council about preserving the Park Mile Specific Plan that governs land use north and south of Wilshire Boulevard between Wilton Place and Highland Avenue. With SUBJECT lines like “No Park Mile Plan Variance!”, “Park Mile Plan / No Hotel in Brookside”, and “No Exemption to the Park Mile Plan!”, the following is a selection of those messages, slightly edited because of format and space constraints.
There are so few historical jewels left in the city of Los Angeles. Whether they be buildings, schools, parks, roller rinks, trolley cars—even neighborhoods—we have slowly managed to disregard their benefit to the city and to its citizens, and have cast them aside, weakening the fabric of the city and its communities.
My name is Sondra Toll Sepenuk. I am 44 years old, married with two children (7 and 10), and I have lived in Brookside since 2002. My husband and I chose Brookside because of the beautiful mature trees, the 1920s homes, and the quiet “Mayberry” feel of the neighborhood. Brookside is such a rare treasure in the middle of such a big city. When friends pay us a visit, they always comment on how lucky we are to live in such a close-knit community. It is the people who live in neighborhoods like Brookside who care strongly about Los Angeles and who strive to improve it.
Making ANY exemptions to the Park Mile Specific Plan is NOT a way to improve the city. Building a hotel in Brookside is NOT a way to improve the city. You know why? Because slowly you start to tear apart a community, one of the oldest and strongest in the city. It may not happen overnight, but rest assured, it will happen. What happens when you tear communities apart? You weaken the city. This is a time when we need to strengthen our communities as the city continues to grow around us. If you alter the Park Mile Specific Plan, just ONCE, it will open the floodgates to exemptions for everyone. The next builder will ask, “well, you made an exemption for so-and-so, so why not for me?” The next thing you know, our neighborhood will look like the Westwood corridor. That would be such a tragedy.
I am all for progress and change and making improvements to our city. But making an exemption to the Park Mile Specific Plan is NOT in any way what I would consider progress, change, or making improvements. I see it as the slow death of one of L.A.’s last remaining neighborhood jewels.
It is my hope that the Brookside/Hancock Park community and the new developers on Wilshire can come to an agreement that will benefit both parties, and will not destroy the fabric of the neighborhood. We only get one chance to get this right.
Let’s not destroy one of the best things this city has going for it— its people. . . .
Sondra Toll Sepenuk
Peter Sepenuk
Tremaine Avenue
We have lived in Hancock Park for the last 32 years and value it as an oasis in an otherwise very commercial city. Please do all you can to keep the Park Mile Plan in place and to not allow any kind of retail establishment in the zone. We really need larger condominiums for seniors who would like to move out of their larger homes and downsize. I think that would be an ideal development for the Farmer’s property. . . .
Jim Twerdahl
S. McCadden Place
I have been a resident of Windsor Square / Hancock Park since 1958; I worked with Councilman John Ferraro on the Park Mile Plan. There should be no exemptions to it, no hotel or retail exemptions considered or permitted. The plan has resulted in an excellent environmental balance, a stable and thriving residential neighborhood, and an area that is a credit to our city. Any exemption would destroy the balance, character of the neighborhood, and do violence to the healthy existing environment—there is NO basis, or need, or justification for compromising a Plan that has proven so worthwhile, over so many years.
Philip M. Hawley
Hancock Park
No exemptions. No hotel.
Ja-Hong Kim, MD
I attended the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council’s Land Use Committee meeting last week [April 22, 2014] and was stunned when several members of the Committee suggested it might be time to modify the Plan because of the high vacancy rate in the office buildings along the Park Mile as compared to the rate in Miracle Mile and so that there could be restaurants, a specialty grocery and other shops that they and their kids could walk and ride bikes to.
I would like to express my concern that this group is not united behind supporting the implementation of the Park Mile Specific Plan. It is not the job of the Land Use Committee to protect the interests of Wilshire property owners at the expense of the quality of life for those of us on the surrounding R-1 residential streets—the GWNC’s main constituency.
All around Los Angeles high-rises and malls fill every available square foot. Our own area is threatened by a developer who apparently wishes to obtain a variance to build a hotel on the Farmers Insurance campus. If the Land Use Committee has ONE JOB it is to support the zoning protections in place, led by the Park Mile Specific Plan, as well as the HPOZs. If they don’t agree with them, they should step down and move to an area that does not have such protections.
The condescending attitudes toward the Plan expressed by several members of the Land Use Committee are out of line. No variance to the Park Mile Specific Plan has ever been approved, and that must remain the case. Members of the Land Use Committee—as well as the GWNC as a whole, the Planning Commission, the Building Department and the Park Mile Review Board—are obligated to represent the best interests of the Park Mile community as a whole, not a few people who might want to walk to a restaurant or lower the office vacancy rate in the Park Mile.
Laura Foti Cohen
Longwood Avenue
I understand that the land use committee of the GWNC is considering whether or not to oppose exemptions from Park Mile Specific Plan restrictions on the type of development allowed within the Plan area. In particular, I understand that a developer is seeking an exemption to allow construction of a hotel in direct opposition to the Plan.
As a long time resident of Hancock Park, I am concerned that exemptions from the Plan will result in development that is incompatible with the adjoining residential neighborhoods. The Plan is an essential tool in helping to preserve the low density, single-family residential nature of adjoining neighborhoods and should be strictly adhered to by developers.
Allowing exemptions not only undermines the objectives of the Plan but also establishes precedent for further erosion of the protections provided by the Plan. An exemption that would allow the operation of a hotel would be particularly damaging to adjoining neighborhoods since the hotel would operate 24 hours a day, thus bringing traffic, noise and other negative impacts into our neighborhoods at all hours of the day and night.
I urge the GWNC to insist that developers adhere strictly to the Plan.
Pam Newhouse
Hancock Park
Please maintain the character of our neighborhood. Don’t flood our streets with retail, cars, pollution and consumerism. I am a resident that has lived here for 10 years and would like to maintain the character of our ‘residential’ neighborhood as much as we can. With the construction of the Wilshire subway and other commercial properties right on the perimeter of our neighborhood, it is prudent to say No Exemptions!
Susan Silk
Along with ten other Brookside residents, I attended the GWNC Land Use committee meeting last Tuesday and would like to express my thoughts and concerns about this issue.
As a resident of Brookside since 1973, I have always been involved in our community. I attended the meeting with Winifred Smith, Patrick Maher, and Owen Smith in the late 1970s when we decided to change our name registered with the City from “South Brookside” to “Brookside.” Some of the Land Use Committee members may not know that South Brookside joined Windsor Square, Hancock Park, and Fremont Place to develop the Park Mile Specific Plan.
Thanks to the vision of John Welborne, Jim Wolf, Mike Cornwell, and Owen Smith, the Plan clearly identified the qualitative and quantitative standards to protect the low density, single-family residential nature of the area. Since July of 1979, many developers have asked for a variance, and this Plan has stood the test of time without a single variance.
As a REALTOR since 1988, I have sold fifty-five homes in Brookside. Indicative of the status of Brookside in the minds of buyers, a few years ago another agent advertised his listing near Brookside as “Brookside-adjacent” rather than “Hancock Park-adjacent!”
Why is Brookside so appealing to buyers? We work very hard to promote our unique small town neighborly community. We host an annual block party drawing 300-350 people, a silent movie night in Memorial Park, holiday caroling with a horse-drawn carriage, and an Easter Egg Hunt for children 3-7 years of age. Some people have even dubbed Brookside “Little Mayberry.”
We have seen the effects of uncontrolled development east and west of the Plan’s boundaries. I believe that any variance to the Park Mile Specific Plan would have a harmful effect on the quiet residential character of Brookside and strongly oppose any change to the Park Mile Specific Plan. . . .
Sandy Boeck
Longwood Avenue
I live in the 600 South block of June Street in Hancock Park. Our house is located just five houses away from Wilshire Boulevard and in the area that is governed by the Park Mile Specific Plan.
In my 12 years living just steps away from the Park Mile corridor, I’ve often regretted the lack of energy along what should otherwise be a bustling center of commerce and activity. The restrictions of the Park Mile plan make this one of the least vibrant stretches of any part of Los Angeles.
The prohibitions against nearly any use other than office space means that this is a long stretch of our city’s main east-west street with no community engagement, with no heart, with no character. (One other section of that is similarly devoid of engagement and character is the “Condo Canyon” near Westwood—not an enviable model to be associated with!)
The Park Mile Specific Plan is used by homeowners’ associations in the area as rallying cry to protect the “residential character of our neighborhoods.” However, I think that our neighborhoods suffer by not having restaurants, by not having retail establishments, by not having childcare centers, by not having hotels for our visitors. Our community has a tremendous resource in being located so close to Wilshire Boulevard, yet the enormous restrictions of the Park Mile Specific Plan mean that we have to leave our neighborhood for any conveniences.
Nearly any other stretch of Wilshire Boulevard throughout the city is also surrounded by residential communities (rental and single-family) which benefit from the large variety of uses that are permitted in their areas—so I fail to see how our neighborhoods’ character will be harmed by having conveniently-located and useful services.
I heartily endorse a reexamination of the Park Mile Specific Plan so that it reflects the future needs of ALL residents of Los Angeles, not a preserved-in-amber concept that was ratified in the 1980s.
Please contact me if you would like any further clarification on my comments.
Michael August
S. June Street
My name is David Gajda and my partner, Jose Malagon and I bought a house in the 600 block of South June Street a couple of years ago. The house is directly impacted by the Wilshire span between Crenshaw and Highland.
We previously lived in Hollywood Heights for 20 years and our neighborhood went from an area that was quiet and always had parking to one where it was noisy 24 hours a day and there was never a place to park.
We have done some developments in Hollywood ourselves so we are very familiar with the development process. We also know the CIM group extremely well and they are basically good developers.
However, we would destroy the historical nature of the Hancock Park area if we inundate it with commercial use. We enjoy permit parking during the day and there is not a problem at night with anyone parking in our neighborhoods because the office buildings are mostly closed.
When we lived in Hollywood Heights, CIM bought one of the hotels on Highland and re-did it. Soon after we noticed tons of people rolling luggage and parking in our neighborhood because they were charging $40 a night to park so there were blogs and Facebook pages that told people they could park free in our neighborhood and save the parking fee.
We also had an increase in crime directly related to the commercial revitalization in Hollywood that brought a lot more people to the area.
Dave Gajda
S. June Street
I would like to express my concern regarding ANY development exemptions along the Park Mile Plan area.
I own a home in Brookside and specifically bought here because the Park Mile Plan that would keep the area strictly for residential and office use. We need these types of small under developed areas to keep the City at large diverse, yet pristine.
I urge that there be NO exemptions so that this area maintains it’s historical, unique characteristics.
Kathy Fields Lander, MA MFT
There should be no exemptions to the Park Mile Plan. Period. No Hotel or retail exemptions should be considered or permitted. The plan has resulted in an excellent environmental balance, a stable and thriving residential neighborhood, and an area that is a credit to our city. Any exemption or variance would destroy the balance, character of the neighborhood, and do harm to the healthy existing environment — there is NO basis, or need, or justification for compromising a Plan that has proven so worthwhile for so many years.
Cindy Chvatal-Keane and John Keane
S. Las Palmas Ave.
I have lived in Hancock Park for nearly 30 years and am concerned about efforts to change the zoning to allow increased density and traffic on Wilshire Blvd. It is a bad idea to build a hotel in this area at this time. Please consider the wishes of our residents before allowing changes which will impair our (already stressed) quality of life. . . .
Alan Cutter
I have lived in Hancock Park for 74 years, specifically, most of that time on June Street. My family and I definitely DO NOT WISH to see the nature of the neighborhood change. Please do what you can for our preservation. Thank you!
Mahlon W. Lawton & Richard C. Lawton
Please do not allow exemptions to the Park Mile Plan.
I have owned my home in Brookside for the past 12 years. I moved to this neighborhood because of its unique character: it is an oasis, an escape from the noise, congestion and bustle of central Los Angeles. The peaceful, residential character of the neighborhood will be destroyed if hotel and retail activity and traffic are introduced. Don’t allow one of LA’s great neighborhoods to be ruined. Thank you for your consideration. . . .
Dan Sterling
I am writing as a long time resident of Hancock Park. I’ve lived in this neighborhood now for over a decade — at my previous house on Citrus Ave and at my current house on Hudson Ave.
I agree with the majority of the neighborhood that there should be no exemptions in the Park Mile Plan. Hancock Park is such a peaceful respite from Los Angeles because there are no malls or hotels encroaching on our neighborhood. It’s one of the reasons my wife and two daughters chose to live in this area and it’s what makes our neighborhood so desirable and pleasant.
There is already so much construction near our neighborhood that to add an exemption to the Park Mile Plan could transform our historic neighborhood permanently and negatively. . . .
Nick Stoller
Hudson Avenue
[I] want you to know I am opposed to any exception to the bar against hotels in the Park Mile Specific Plan, and any exception whatsoever to the Plan. I am a Windsor Square resident and a partner in a private law practice that is a tenant in the Park Mile.
Larry Guzin
Norton Ave.
I have lived on Keniston Ave. since 1987. My children had the good fortune to be raised in Brookside in a quiet neighborhood whose residents reflected the diversity of Los Angeles and where they were free to play in various backyards with other children who lived on the street. I wish the same enjoyment for the new flock of children who are now growing up. The addition of a hotel on the corner, with the noise and most important the many strangers it would bring into the area would hinder, if not eliminate this possibility. The Park Mile Plan was instituted to maintain the residential nature of Brookside and has served the neighborhood well. NO EXEMTIONS SHOULD BE ALLOWED.
Betsy Strassner
Keniston Ave.
I am writing you today to express my strong opposition to any exemptions to the Park Mile Plan. My wife and I moved into Brookside 2 years ago and not a day has gone by that we haven’t talked about how lucky we are that we found a home in such a great neighborhood. The key word here is “neighborhood” – Brookside is a peaceful oasis where residents feel safe and comfortable while they raise families and grow old away from the usual congestion and crime found practically everywhere else in the city.
An area like Brookside does not exist anywhere else in Los Angeles (believe me, we looked). If any exemptions are made to the Park Mile Plan and retail businesses (or hotels) are allowed to move in, the unique charm of this neighborhood will be destroyed forever. There is plenty of space for retail all over the rest of Los Angeles that would still be very convenient to the area, so there is no reason why we need to sacrifice our neighborhood for the sake of becoming like every other part of the city. I hope you will take my comments and concerns into account and continue to vote against any exemption to the Park Mile Plan. Let’s keep the residential character of our lovely neighborhood intact for years to come.
Steven Schmidt
S. Mullen Ave.
[I have] owned my home on Muirfield in Brookside since 1991. Prior to that, I owned a condominium at 835 S. Lucerne Blvd. which I purchased in 1981. The protection to both of these homes and their neighborhoods provided by the Park Mile Specific Plan was a major factor in my decision to purchase these properties. I wanted to live in a safe residential neighborhood with easy access to public transportation and within proximity to my employment. Allowing any exemption to the Plan would open the floodgate to more exemptions and destroy the residential character of our lovely neighborhood. . . .
Christian Brant
Muirfield Road
[M]y family has lived in Brookside for 22 years. One of the reasons we settled in the neighborhood was because of the assurance the Park Mile plan gave us that our neighborhood would retain it’s charm and, of course, its value. I am not opposed to growth in our city, as long as it falls within the specified plan put in place over 30 years ago. Please add my name to the list of neighbors that oppose any exemption to the Park Mile plan. . . .
Kes Trester
S. Tremaine Avenue
John and I wanted to register our votes AGAINST allowing exceptions to the current zoning. We are adamantly against additional commercial development of Wilshire between Brookside and Hancock Park. We think that both our quality of life and our residential property values depend on keeping it as it is. . . .
Judi Farkas and John Kellogg
S. Longwood Ave.
My family and I have lived on South Hudson Avenue in Brookside for the last 13 years. One of the key reasons we moved into this neighborhood was its uniquely calm, non-commercial feel – an oasis in the middle of the city. It is this feeling that the Park Mile Plan protects. I strongly support keeping the Park Mile Plan in place as is – no variances given to CIM or other developers. . . .
Amy Powers
S. Hudson Ave.
I bought my house on Mullen Ave in 1982 and have enjoyed living in our diverse and wonderful neighborhood since the day I moved in. I hope that we can maintain this area as strictly residential. The traffic that we are now having to deal with on LaBrea and Wilshire is already infringing on our quiet lifestyle here. The very thought of a hotel a mere two blocks away sends a shiver to my spine.
I SAY NO THANK YOU. Let’s keep BROOKSIDE residential. . . .
Jane Jenkins
S. Mullen Ave.
I have been a resident of Hancock Park for nine years and I currently serve on the HPHOA as an active member. . . . I believe strongly in maintaining the residential profile of all of our surrounding neighborhoods. . . . I understand there is a motion under consideration that would alter the Park Mile Plan, and if approved, would allow retail and the construction of a hotel. As a member of this historical community, I oppose such development as do many other neighbors. . . .
Joanne Medeiros
South McCadden Place
We write to state our firm opposition to any exemption to the existing Park Mile Specific Plan and to oppose the proposed hotel. . . . When we moved from the Westside 14 years ago, it was to get out of the maddening growth of traffic, noise and congestion. It truly felt that things were out of control by the Urban Planners. We looked for a long time and were happy to find the family friendly, ethnically diverse, well-maintained community of Brookside. That the area had, as well, a local library and park was a big bonus for us and our visiting grandchildren as well as indicating that young families would continue to move into Brookside.
In the process of making the decision we did our due diligence about the area and were thrilled to find the Park Mile Specific Plan which restricted height and growth along Wilshire Blvd thereby limiting the invasive nature of traffic, noise and air pollution and enabling us to maintain the quality of our lives.
Thank you for all you do to represent the interests of our community.
Esther Shapiro
We have lived on Rossmore for 17 years now. We have seen many changes within our micro-community, most for the better. We do feel strongly that there can be no exemptions allowed to the Park Mile Plan, in order to maintain our unique neighborhood feel. Hancock Park is truly a hidden garden in urban Los Angeles and should be allowed to continue to thrive as the residential, low-density gem it’s been for close to 100 years. With the growth of Koreatown to the east and Miracle Mile to the west, there is no reason for an exemption as those communities deserve the opportunities to thrive with new businesses (including hotel developments). . . .
Donick and Kim Cary
S. Rossmore Ave.
My husband and I both grew up in Hancock Park. Due to the respect for our neighbors and neighborhood there has been very little change in the 60+ years we have resided here. It is not time to change this!
Bringing retail and commercial to Wilshire Boulevard here also brings additional traffic as well as drivers and pedestrians that have no interest in preserving our gorgeous area. Both children and adults feel this sense of neighborhood and safety. . . .
Lynda and Phillip Levin
Muirfield Rd.
I have been a resident of Brookside for more than 40 years. As you know, Brookside is a lovely neighborhood with tree-lined streets and single-family homes.
I very much oppose any changes to the Park Mile Plan. Such changes would surely have the negative results of increased traffic, decreased street parking, and trash in the streets of Brookside. . . .
Laureen Mitchell
Keniston Ave.
Two years ago I moved from Beverly Hills to Brookside in search of a peaceful and family oriented neighborhood where I could raise my two-year old daughter. We looked along all pockets of the Miracle Mile and were most impressed by the Brookside area, in large because it has limited commercial development. I was also very well aware of the zoning restrictions in the area, inclusive of the fact hat future commercial development would be next to impossible to commence here in Brookside. . . .
Vivian Gueler
My name is Nadine Bell. My husband, two children and I have lived on South Hudson for 8 years. We are strongly opposed to allowing exemptions to the Park Mile Plan that allow for construction of retail/hotel businesses between Crenshaw and Highland. This stretch of Wilshire is already far too congested, and the existing office buildings already bring too much pedestrian and automobile traffic to our streets. Many times we are unable to exit Hudson onto Wilshire in the mornings because of traffic, including John Burroughs traffic that gridlocks our intersection.
The residential nature of Hancock Park and Brookside is one of the reasons that we purchased in our area. We do not want to see the neighborhood overrun by the parking problems and late night traffic that retail and hotel properties would bring. . . .
Nadine Bell
S. Hudson Ave.
I have been a Brookside Resident for 11 years. One of the reasons that my wife and I decided to buy a house and raise a family in Brookside is because of its residential character and charm. As east coast transplants, it reminded us of an east coast neighborhood with its lush trees, walkable sidewalks and community. I understand that there is a movement to build retail businesses on Wilshire Boulevard between Highland and Crenshaw Blvd. This would dramatically change the character of our neighborhood which is already bordered by retail businesses on Highland and Wilshire. We would seriously have to consider moving to a more residential area of Los Angeles where our children can ride their bicycles and play in their neighborhood if Park Mile were allowed to have retail businesses. Please don’t allow the very character of Brookside to be negatively impacted by such a change. Thank you. . . .
Gordon Bobb
S. Tremaine Avenue
My husband and I live on the 800 block on Mullen Avenue. Our family (including four children) moved to Brookside three years ago because it felt like a small town neighborhood within our bustling metropolis – a small oasis for our big family. In the time we’ve lived here, we have met and gotten to know so many of our wonderful neighbors. We walk and jog in the neighborhood and are always able to greet someone we know with a hello.
We are deeply concerned about any potential development that may occur on the four-block area recently purchased by CIM. We would vehemently oppose any exceptions to the Park Mile Plan that would allow retail development or a hotel to be built in our neighborhood. It would destroy the character of our lovely community. . . .
Monique & Sean Atkins
S. Mullen Ave.
Since 1971 when my family first moved into our home in Brookside, I have come to fully appreciate and understand the neighborhood. It has been a great place to live because of its residential nature and tight community. And the city-at-large understands the contribution that such neighborhoods make to the quality and character of our great city.
In our current times the persuasive power dealt by large commercial interests threatens great, historic residential areas in Los Angeles. Laws on the books were written by those who had the prescience and prudence to protect great neighborhoods from being undone so that a few might prosper.
Please don’t sacrifice this very special neighborhood. . . . I beg of you, don’t discard the laws that protect our community. . . .
Joshua Dimondstein
Longwood Avenue
My name is Clifton H. Clark and I have lived [on South Citrus Avenue] since January 1971. I am widowed now, but lived here with my wife until her death 3-1/2 years ago, and raised our children here. We have loved the area, the neighborhood, and the environs. Over the years, there have been attempts to change the character along Wilshire Blvd and also build apartment buildings in R-1 areas. The Park Mile Plan was thoughtfully instituted to “permanently” thwart further attempts to change the character of the area as we understand it. Let us maintain the status quo for as long as the majority of residents want it that way, and then a little longer.
Clifton H. Clark
S. Citrus Avenue
I currently live on North June Street and have lived in the neighborhood for most of the last 30 + years. The neighborhood/residential feel of this area is very important to my family and I believe allowing retail businesses and hotels to occupy buildings against the current Park Mile specific Plan rules on Wilshire will be a detriment to this neighborhood and I oppose those changes.
Tom Specker
N. June Street
I’m very concerned to hear about the possible exemption to the Park Mile Specific Plan. I’ve lived on Hudson Ave. for nearly 15 years, and it’s very troubling to hear that the quiet neighborhood I’m trying to raise my young daughter in may become overcrowded and congested by hotels and retail businesses. I find this all rather disturbing, and I firmly oppose any exemption to the Park Mile Plan. . . .
Matthew Lesher
I am writing to express strong opposition to an exemption to the Park Mile Plan in Brookside. My wife and I especially oppose the idea of building a hotel between Rimpau and Muirfield. We recently moved to Brookside specifically because it is a neighborhood free of commercial development of this sort. It is our sincere hope that our neighborhood stays this way: residential, and free of high-turnover/high-traffic developments like a hotel. Our home is on the corner of Muirfield and 8th directly across from this proposed development, and our quality of life would be negatively impacted in a massive way. Please, no exemptions to the Park Mile Plan. And no hotel. We thank you for keeping the residents in mind, and for upholding what makes Brookside unique. The city is full of hotels, but there is only one Brookside. It is worth protecting. . . .
Paul Grellong
My family and I have been residents of Brookside since 2009. We bought in this neighborhood specifically because of its character as a low-density, family-friendly neighborhood. We are not opposed to commercial development along Wilshire so long as it is office buildings — like Farmers — or other structures consistent with the Park Mile plan. A hotel is the LAST thing that this community needs or wants. It is completely antithetical to everything this community has always been, what this community is, and what this community wants to be going forward. . . .
Tom Rubinso
I have lived in three different homes in Brookside, for almost 24 years. I love my neighborhood. I have seen some nice changes. But I do NOT think these exemptions will be good for our neighborhood. This little neighborhood was once written in LA Magazine, as one of “the best neighborhoods in Los Angeles”
I would really like it to stay that way. . . .
Rand Rusher
Keniston Ave.
As a newer resident of Brookside (2 years 800 block Muirfield) I am strongly opposed to any exemptions being made for the Farmer’s property for construction of a hotel or retail use. We moved to Brookside for the family atmosphere and low traffic flow of the area. Any structure over 3 stories would also be an eyesore from my home which would surely decrease the value of my home. It is my belief that this Park Mile Specific Plan was put in place to protect the family atmosphere of Brookside; it would certainly be a terrible legacy to be remembered as someone who helped destroy a beautiful neighborhood. Please vote against the exemption. . . .
Evan Berger
My husband, 15-month-old daughter and I found Brookside last summer and moved to Mullen Ave. In September because it felt like a small, family-oriented community hidden away in a surrounding sea of commercial density. We were so excited to join a neighborhood where everyone knew each other, and we could walk around with our toddler and feel safe from traffic and noise. We bought a house at considerable expense for us because it was worth it to live in this amazing community. We were therefore surprised and very upset to learn that a hotel might move in down the street from us, just a few houses away, bringing traffic and noise and commercial activities to our quiet neighborhood. This is not what we signed up for, thinking we were protected by the Park Mile Specific Plan, and all of our housing values will undoubtedly be significantly affected if this hotel is allowed to move in. Please let the Land Use Committee know that we strongly oppose this new development, and please think of our little community when you decide whether to recommend for or against this development. . . .
Heather Crossner & Adam Fletcher
I am a homeowner in Hancock Park and am very concerned about an exemption to the Park Mile Plan. Where does this end? We already have huge traffic problems and poor rapid transit plans. As people flee the city for affordable housing, let’s keep some neighborhoods just that, neighborhoods.
Nancy Ziehl
S. Hudson Ave.
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