For 110 years, Troop 10 has combined adventure with community service

| January 23, 2025 | 0 Comments

TAKING A BREAK at Thousand Island Lake on a backpacking trip in the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Troop 10’s Steve Henrich, Matt Rauchberg, Lucas Henrich, Joe Fiedler, Andy Fiedler, Max Rauchberg and Carter Tsao, Aug, 7, 2024

Troop 10 has been an active part of the Los Angeles community for more than 110 years. In this time, it has provided young men with leadership opportunities and adventure both here in the city and out in the wild.

Last summer, the troop attended two summer camps, one in the forested mountains near Lake Arrowhead and the other by the beach in San Diego Mission Bay, where they learned kayaking, small boat sailing, motorboating, welding and other skills. The troop also embarked on a multiday backpacking trip across the Ansel Adams Wilderness and Yosemite National Park. Surrounded by towering peaks and majestic waterfalls, the Scouts navigated challenging terrain while fostering teamwork and leadership skills and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

SCOUTS from Troop 10 paddle into a sea cave on Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands National Park, Oct. 2024.

In October, the Scouts camped out on Santa Cruz Island in Channel Islands National Park, where they kayaked through sea caves and kelp forests and saw rare birds, scampering island foxes, and huge pods of dolphins. In the past year, the troop has also gone rock climbing in Joshua Tree, camping by the beach at Point Mugu and hiking on Strawberry Peak, Echo Mountain, and Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park.

Troop 10 continues to serve its community through Eagle projects and service projects in tandem with local charities. One noteworthy collaboration has been with the Friends of Griffith Park, where the troop has engaged in many hands-on projects aimed at restoring and preserving the natural beauty of the park. From trail maintenance to tree planting, Scouts exemplify the values of environmental stewardship. Over the holidays, the Scouts volunteered their time with One Voice, providing holiday meals, toys and other necessities to families in need with small children.

Given that only 4 percent of Scouts ever achieve the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout, Troop 10 is especially proud of its three most recent Eagle Scouts who, as part of their yearslong journey to this prestigious honor, each planned and executed a major service project for the community, including:

Lion Paulson painted a large garden mural and redesigned a covered play area at the Para Los Niños Early Childhood Education Center in Hollywood. Para Los Niños raises children out of poverty and into brighter futures through positive educational opportunities and wraparound support.

Michael Hanna reupholstered and built movement devices for the historic pews and added safety and control features to the medical services area as part of the homeless outreach program at Silverlake Community Church.

Oliver Payne removed old grass and bushes and installed low-water landscaping at St. James’ Episcopal Church, saving water, money and maintenance time for church staff.

Sponsored by St. James’ Church since 1914, Troop 10 is the oldest continuously chartered Scout Troop in the Western United States. In that time, 370 Troop 10 Scouts have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Today, Troop 10 brings together boys ages 11 to 17 from all backgrounds and more than a dozen area schools. In addition, St. James’ is officially launching a new troop for girls, for girls ages 11 to 17. For those wishing to build lasting memories and relationships, boys and girls ages 11 to 17 (and their parents) are invited to visit Troop 10 at their weekly Tuesday night meetings at 6:30 p.m. at St. James’.

Lastly, the troop’s annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser is Sun., Feb. 9. Keep an eye out for the Scouts selling tickets and first aid kits on Larchmont Boulevard over the coming weekends.

By Scoutmaster Matt Rauschberg


For St. Brendan Pack 16, sense of community comes first

In such times of unexpected loss and tragedy, it’s uplifting to see our Cub Scouts developing a strong sense of duty to the community.

ARROW OF LIGHT Den Leader Rigo Vazquez (left, in back) and Scouts Julian Hoffman, Astrid Huybrechs and Amalia Vazquez help care for newly planted trees in El Monte.

Pack 16 began the season partnering with TreePeople to care for young trees in the shade-deficient neighborhood of El Monte. Our Arrow of Light Scouts reported for duty at 7 a.m. to water and refresh mulch, ensuring the success of the tender transplants.

Our Webelos paid a visit to seniors at the Alexandria Care Center to decorate Thanksgiving placemats, and our Arrow of Light (AOL) scouts volunteered with Big Sunday to pack Thanksgiving dinners for many needy families in Los Angeles. AOL is the fifth-grade den, the final level before graduating from Cub Scouts.

BEARS Francesca Sy-Uy and Charlie Gibson sell first aid kits and raffle tickets at the Christmas tree lot on Larchmont.

We kicked off the Christmas season with our first-ever raffle, which was a huge success and a big fundraiser for us. The effort was spearheaded by our Bears, who sold many tickets for the highly coveted prize of Salt & Straw Ice Cream for one year and a free iPad donated by Melrose Mac. We also contributed toys for Wilshire Rotary’s Bring a Gift to Santa event.

Our young Tigers and Wolves are ushering the choir masses at St. Brendan Church each month and are looking forward to their first winter camp at Lake Arrowhead this month. Other camping activities planned include overnight stays at the USS Iowa and the Los Angeles Zoo.

In the wake of these devastating fires, our Bear Den is currently organizing to write letters of hope and solidarity to fire victims and to donate their time to relief efforts.

We are so excited for what 2025 will bring and to continue watching the kids flourish.

By AOL den leader Carolyn Reyes



Pack 10 plays with a purpose and sells popcorn

Whether it is a day of service with TreePeople or a holiday carnival, Pack 10 Scouts are learning character, citizenship and fitness.  It may look like a lot of fun to the kids, but every moment is a teaching opportunity — a game with a purpose.

PACK 10 members at the annual popcorn fundraiser on Larchmont Boulevard in September. Left to right are Elijah Benjamin, Evan Lau, Adelyn Kung, Stellan Kim and Evie Lau.

This year Pack 10 has gone deep sea fishing, walked the tide pools, cleaned up beaches, planted trees and served the unhoused at St. James’ Soup Kitchen. Many of our big events are held outside at St. James’ School, at the ocean or on a mountainside. Camping and hiking events are full family adventures.  Our Cubs are now stars when it comes to silly skits and wonderful songs useful on campouts.

CUBMASTER Glen Lim took 35 families deep sea fishing, departing from Redondo Pier. Lim is behind the Scout flag on the right in a grey sweatshirt.

Glen Lim, our Cubmaster, leads a large group of fully trained leaders. Our families are also grateful to the Larchmont community for its support during popcorn sale season. You will know us by our blue uniforms. Thank you all.

By Diane Gilmore, charter representative for Scouting America






New Scout Troop 43 serves youth of Larchmont

In 2024 American Legion Post 43 launched Scout Troop 43, serving the youth of the Larchmont area. The founding five scouts came from legacy Troop 621. The new post offers dedicated leaders with military backgrounds and meets at the Legion Hall on Highland Avenue.

New Scoutmaster Glen Schecter is a member of Post 43, and he is an avid fisherman. Scouts determine their own adventures, and they already have 12 months of amazing activities scheduled for 2025. They are looking for neighborhood youth — boys and girls, ages 11 to 17 — to join them. This is a terrific opportunity for youth to develop leadership and outdoor skills. Contact this troop online  through by contacting Mr. Schecter via email info below.

PLANTING FLAGS on Memorial Day at the National Cemetery are, left to right,
Jim Olds, Joshua Lo, Andrew Urner, Connor Kim and Stewart Smith. Olds and Smith are wearing Sons of the American Revolution militia uniforms as part of a reenactment.

Formerly Troop 621

Troop 621 was a former Larchmont troop (originally sponsored by Plotke Plumbing on Larchmont). The troop’s charter expired last year.

“I did not want the remaining five boys to leave Scouts, so we enlisted them in a new neighborhood unit. They now have eight boys and three girls. They have had an active year. The post has registered and trained several new leaders. It’s been a win-win,” said Diane Gilmore, charter representative for Scouting America.

By Suzan Filipek













Scouting: Area Directory

Cub Scouts:

Pack 10

Glen Lim, Cubmaster

Pack 16

Jackie Miron, Cubmaster

Pack 777

Eugene Hong, Cubmaster

Boy Scouts:

Troop 10

Matt Rauchberg,


Troop 43

Glen Schecter, Scoutmaster

Troop 777

Joseph Shin, Scoutmaster

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