California Greenin’ wants your water-wise landscapes

BE AN INSPIRATION. Enter the contest by August. 14.
With so many drought tolerant gardens popping up in our community, we’ve decided to hold a contest to showcase Larchmont Chronicle readers’ inspired water-wise landscapes.
We’re searching for home-owners who recognize the responsibilities of gardening in a drought, and who have been inspired by these arid times to be creative while conserving water.
If you’ve transformed your landscape to decrease water consumption and increase the beauty of your home, then we want you to show us your yard.
This is not a contest for wilting flowers or for those who throw in the trowel. This is a contest to celebrate new aesthetics in landscaping.
The top soil challenge, should you accept, is to present your drought-inspired creation to the Larchmont Chronicle and, if chosen, to be featured in a future California Greenin’ column.
Contest rules:
Present before and after photos of your back yard, front yard, or outdoor area to:
Your ingredients must be water-wise plants. Plants that thrive with little or no irrigation by saying “Yes, we can!” Plant list here:
No dead yard entries. Although there’s nobility in proclaiming “brown is the new green,” this contest is for those yards who didn’t give up the ghost when the rain went away.
No green lawns. If your yard contains some drought-tolerant turfgrass, that’s okay, just let us know the type of grass.
If your yard contains Marathon, tall or fine fescue, pack your spades and return to the garden.
Entries must be received by August 14.
Property must be located in the Larchmont, Hancock Park, Windsor Square, Miracle Mile, Brookside, Windsor Village or Wilshire Park areas.
Let us know a little about your process.
For example: How did you use the required ingredients to create your dishy landscape?
Did you receive a turf rebate from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power? What were your creative inspirations?
Be an inspiration to others and email your photographs to
California Greenin’
Renee Ridgeley
Category: Real Estate