Archive for January, 2023
Tom LaBonge honored with a native plant forest
Atop Mt. Hollywood in Griffith Park Four score, or more, hikers headed from Griffith Observatory up to the top of Mt. Hollywood on Jan. 7 to dedicate the Tom LaBonge Memorial Forest. Family and friends including former Mayor Eric Garcetti saluted the late, revered councilman of the former Fourth District. It was the second […]
Disneyland engagement leads to 29 years of marriage
Sam Nymous proposed to Sadie Griner on his birthday, at Disneyland, in what was the start of their magical journey that has lasted 29 years, so far, and includes three girls, two boys and four grandkids. Being Orthodox Jews, it is customary in their circle for single people to be set up or matched either […]
Pan Pac boys win 13-and-under flag football city championship
If flag football isn’t America’s fastest growing sport, it sure has to be up there along with women’s wrestling, indoor bouldering and skateboarding, all of which are recent additions to the Olympic Games. In early 2022, the NFL announced its intention to grow its international business to $1 billion annually. To help achieve this, the […]
Trees fall, streets flood, in heavy storms
City clean-up crews respond quickly Local streets and sidewalks were flooded during the downpours of mid-January, toppling trees and spreading debris. Crews from the city Public Works and Recreation and Parks departments reacted quickly, cleaning up most of the impacted areas by the next day, before new storms arrived. A mature pine tree fell, […]