Archive for September, 2016

Larchmont: new ‘cosmetics row’?
In the 1980s, banks and real estate offices filled the storefronts along the busy Boulevard. More recently, signs for coffee houses and other take- outs and restaurants have graced building facades, with their tables and chairs spilling onto the sidewalks. While there is no sign of a shortage of eateries on the Boulevard, a new […]

Solicitors annoy storekeepers and shoppers alike
A local resident who frequents the shops and restaurants on Larchmont Blvd. says the number of solicitors and street canvassers lining the shopping district is becoming unbearable. “I find it increasingly annoying to be solicited daily by ‘feet on the street’ people asking me to support various organizations,” says S. Lucerne resident Matthew Swearman. “It’s […]

Marlborough’s Dr. Sands reflects on her first year
Marlborough’s ninth head of school, Dr. Priscilla G. Sands, arrived at the school in July 2015. Now that she has been in her new job for more than a year, the Larchmont Chronicle visited with her during the first week of this school year. Her arrival at Marlborough was within days of the demolition of […]

Metro ‘jet grouting’ begins between Rossmore and Lucerne
Metro and its design-build contractor are starting to work in the median of Wilshire Blvd. across from Hancock Park, Fremont Place, Windsor Square and Windsor Village. The contractor will be placing K-Rail (concrete barriers) and restriping the center of Wilshire, reducing the street to two lanes in each direction between Rossmore Ave. and Lucerne Blvd. […]

Ed Edelman: Los Angeles has lost a giant of a man
Ed Edelman died in September at age 85. The Larchmont Chronicle asked local resident Zev Yaroslavsky to share the eulogy he gave at the funeral. In this era, when political vulgarity is de rigueur, it is hard to imagine there was a time when political discourse could be intelligent and civil. Well, there was such […]

‘Classical Architecture & Art’ to honor Suzanne Rheinstein
Interior designer, Hollyhock owner and Windsor Square resident, Suzanne Rheinstein, will be honored by the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, Southern California Chapter (ICAA-SCC) at its 2016 Legacy Dinner. The second annual event will be held on Thurs., Oct. 13. A cocktail reception will begin at 6 p.m. at Bouchon, 235 N. Canon Dr., […]