Two Neighborhood Council elections are Sunday, April 30
2023 vote is in person and by mail for Mid City West and GWNC
Two hyperlocal elections are being held this month for the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) and the Mid City West Neighborhood Council (MCWNC) — advisory groups that discuss and opine about issues at City Hall, from development to homelessness.
Both councils are holding in-person elections Sun., April 30. The GWNC’s will take place at The Barking Lot, 336 N. Larchmont Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Stakeholders in Mid City West can vote at Pan Pacific Park, 7600 Beverly Blvd., from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Vote-by-mail ballot requests for both areas close Tues., April 11. Information about that is at
Besides local residents, stakeholders include employees and property owners plus individuals who are a member of, or participate in, a community organization (such as a local business, school or religious or other nonprofit organization) within the boundaries of the neighborhood council.
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council
In Greater Wilshire, 39 candidates are on the ballot vying for one of 21 seats to serve as Directors of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC) for the following two years.
Among categories, 15 are for geographic areas; others are renters, business, education, religious, other nonprofit and at-large. (Also, 21 alternates will be elected; they are usually those who come in second.)
The bylaws of the GWNC provide that people who document their eligibility to vote in specific categories must vote in person at the polling place on election day. At that time, voters must bring their driver’s licenses (or other photo ID showing birthday and address). If you also are voting for one of the special interest board seats in addition to the geographic area where you live, work or own property, you also must bring evidence of your participation in that special interest constituency. Therefore, as has been the case since the founding of the local neighborhood council in 2001 and the official certification of GWNC in 2003, an individual voter who lives, works or owns property within GWNC may cast up to two votes. As noted, vote-by mail also is available this year.
Detailed information about 2023’s GWNC election is at
Information about the certified candidates for the GWNC seats is at
Mid City West Neighborhood Council
In Mid City West, 41 candidates are running for 13 seats.
There are seven zone representatives, and there are seats for youth, homeowners, renters, business, nonprofit organizations and members at large.
Meet the candidates for Mid City West at
The list of certified candidates for MCWNC (in Region 5 of 12 regions) as well as for other councils can be found at
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