Tent dwellers on Sixth St. get housing

TEMPORARY FENCE held in place by sandbags replaced illegal tents on the sidewalk behind LACMA and the Academy Museum. Landscaping is said to be coming.

CITY SANITATION trucks and staff join elected leaders and their staffs in helping street dwellers on a sidewalk next to LACMA move from Sixth Street to inside housing.
‘Inside Safe’ comes to the Miracle Mile
Last month in the Miracle Mile, Mayor Karen Bass and Fifth District Councilmember Katy Young Yaroslavsky implemented a local project under the mayor‘s citywide “Inside Safe” initiative. The program was a collaboration between Council District 5, the Mayor’s Office, the Los Angeles departments of Sanitation, Transportation, and Police, LAHSA (the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority), The People Concern and Fairfax Mutual Aid.
The city arranged for approximately 40 people living in approximately 15 tents — which had been erected illegally on the Sixth Street sidewalk, just east of Fairfax Avenue and next to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures — to move to interim housing and to embark upon the path to securing permanent housing.
Accounts of tent dwellers camping in this area go back to November. Councilmember Yaroslavsky told us that this is one of the locations her new constituents first pointed to as needing help. Working closely with the mayor and her team, which had identified available, interim housing in a hotel in Silver Lake, council office staff and others spent two weeks approaching the tent dwellers and encouraging them to accept the offers of housing. By Feb. 18, all of the tent occupants had agreed to move to offered housing and the city Bureau of Sanitation had removed remaining debris and cleaned the area.
Temporary fences erected along both sides of the sidewalk were placed there by LACMA in anticipation of installing landscaping, Yaroslavsky said in news reports.
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