Talk like a pirate Wed., Sept. 19, post–Taste of Larchmont
The “dread ship Taste of Larchmont” will have sailed three weeks before, and the beneficiaries of Hope-Net’s year-round food pantry services already will be enjoying the treasure raised at the 26th fundraiser on the Boulevard, but you still will have a chance to get in the pirate spirit — if you start talking like a pirate Wed., Sept. 19. That is “International Talk Like a Pirate Day.”
“What’s that?” you say. “A day to talk like a pirate?” But, of course. At least, it has been since 2002, when two guys from Oregon started speaking with “arrrs” and “shiver me timbers” and similar articulations of pirate talk on an Australian radio show. Their pirate-talk day is going strong.
“Why not?” says Beachwood Canyon’s Eric Boardman, a fan of walking and dining on Larchmont and past host of numerous Food Network and HGTV shows. A decade or so ago, Eric was the first person to tell me about this international holiday. Asked recently about the day, Eric says it’s “just harmless silliness. It is a safe, wonderful way to allow people to be playful. It gives us permission to play, which for adults is so rare these days. Boy, do we need that now.” Added Eric, “See you on the Boulevard, mateys!”
In response, I say “arrrr.”
As the holiday’s creators say on their website, it’s the day “to let your inner pirate out to play. Swagger, growl and let the world see the buccaneer inside.” Mark Sept. 19 on your calendar and learn more at
As to this year’s 26th “Taste of Larchmont” event, Hope-Net board member Steve Tator reports that participants swaggered up and down the Boulevard, tasting treats from more than 20 restaurants and other food providers. “Everyone seemed to have a great time, and the pirate booty that is going to the Hope-Net treasury will help those in need for months to come.” Learn more at
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