Tag: Urban Forestry Division
New tree on Larchmont, but how did it get here?
The Larchmont Boulevard sidewalk canopy coverage that trees provide is wonderful, but do you ever think about what it takes to get that tree into the ground? Because one recently was placed on the Boulevard for the 100th anniversary of the original Larchmont shopping district, we thought we’d tell you how it happened. Resident gardener […]
City clarifies reasons for relocation of tree wells
In the November 2019 issue, the Larchmont Chronicle reported on the loss of two healthy and mature ficus trees, as well as the relocation of their tree wells, once located in front of the Rite Aid store’s sign on Larchmont Boulevard. The story resonated with residents and policymakers alike. “Your article about the placement of […]
Six ficus trees on Larchmont slated for wood chipper
The city’s Urban Forestry Division announced Jan. 7 that it will consider a permit request to remove six healthy ficus trees at 606 N. Larchmont Boulevard. The mature side-by-side trees provide a lush canopy that is much needed on the eastern side of the 600 block of N. Larchmont, according to employees who work in […]
Canopy of trees threatened by sidewalk repair
As the City of Los Angeles continues to roll out a long-range plan to fix the city’s buckling sidewalks, Windsor Village resident Julie Stromberg asks: Who’s looking out for the trees? At the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council’s (GWNC) June 19 Transportation Committee meeting, Stromberg, committee chair, invited Gayle Greenberg, representing the Bureau of Engineering, to […]