Tag: Shevy Gradon

Citrus Square: paradise planned next to Hancock Park
George Allan Hancock was truly one of the great aristocrats of his day. Scion of the Gilded Age, he was the son of Major Henry Hancock (the owner of the Rancho La Brea) and Ida Haraszthy Hancock, the daughter of Hungarian count Agoston Haraszthy, aka “the Father of California Viticulture.” George Allan Hancock abandoned the […]

Home at 361 N. Citrus Ave., one year later
The reaction throughout Los Angeles to the sudden demolition last year of an historic 1927 Tudor-style home at 361 N. Citrus Ave., on the southwest corner of Oakwood Ave., was like a roar of outrage that echoed everywhere. Tinyurl.com/y2j8s5xq is just one example. There are nearly 100 other online references to the destruction of the […]

Letters to the Editor
‘Historic Citrus Ave. home quickly demolished’ Considering the blatantly illegal steps that were taken to demolish 361 N. Citrus — actions that were specifically designed to cover up and deceive — I challenge even the most hardened “property libertarian” to find any justification whatsoever in the owners’ actions. While they certainly had the “right” to […]

‘Historic Citrus Ave. house quickly demolished’ This is so sad and infuriating! Having been in the home many times, I can attest that it had been lovingly and professionally maintained and was NOT a teardown. In fact, there had been recent upgrades to the plumbing, etc. The deceptive way [the buyers] went about it is […]

Reaction to demolition is vitriolic
The reaction throughout Los Angeles to the sudden Oct. 23 demolition of the historic Tudor home located since 1927 at 361 N. Citrus Ave., at Oakwood Ave. just west of Hancock Park, has been tremendous — and often vitriolic. The Larchmont Chronicle has received letters and online comments, some of which are in this issue, […]

Historic Citrus Ave. house quickly demolished
Neighbors on Citrus Avenue, just west of Hancock Park, were shocked on Oct. 23 when the historic 1927 home at 361 N. Citrus Ave., at the southwest corner of Oakwood Ave., was summarily demolished in one day, after no effective advance notice. Especially shocked was the couple that sold the house on September 18. As […]