Tag: SB 10

Rezoning not required to produce needed “affordable” housing
The Larchmont Chronicle and our readers, I hope, are grateful to Hancock Park neighbor Marilyn Wells for contributing six informative columns, over the past six months, dealing with the omnipresent and critical issue of unfortunate people living on the streets and sidewalks. Her final column appears on Page 2 of Section 2, and I […]

Legislators should focus on SCA 2, not on SB 9, SB 10 and their like
I agree with our columnist Marilyn Wells (The NIMBY Diaries, Page 10 of Section 2) that affordable housing needs to be built. However, the many current, developer-backed bills in Sacramento (such as SB 9 and SB 10) absolutely do not achieve that. Those and most other “housing” bills in the legislature are written by, and […]

Kudos to candidates … and be wary of the State Senate
Our community owes thanks to the 44 candidates and the 447 stakeholders who voted (and the approximately 590 who attempted to register for the city-mandated, COVID-19-era, vote-[only]-by-mail election for directors of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council [GWNC]). Historically, GWNC elections always have been neighborhood gatherings on one weekend day, with registration issues efficiently addressed before […]