Tag: Pickett Fences

Spring brings hope to the Boulevard
With spring’s arrival this month, Larchmont Village is eager to leave the worst of the pandemic behind with new historic photo posters displayed in storefronts, new shops to open, and the return of outdoor dining. Not to mention Village Heights is celebrating its 15th anniversary on Larchmont! Here’s what’s happening on the Boulevard. Sidewalk Sale cancelled For the first time in many years, the Larchmont […]

Joane Pickett was more than a friendly face: Pickett Fences closes after 27 years on Blvd.
To say that closing her beloved Larchmont Boulevard store of 27 years, Pickett Fences, was completely traumatizing, would be the understatement of the year. But that is what happened, and this is where we are. The pandemic has taken a devastating toll on many Larchmont businesses, both restaurant and retail, and as the pandemic wears […]

More change to Larchmont in New Year
It’s anything but business as usual on Larchmont Boulevard, where a number of storefronts are struggling with landlord and pandemic related issues. A few of the former tenants from the Lipson Building, which is now under construction — like Chevalier’s Books and Landis Stationery — have found new homes, while other longtime businesses on Larchmont […]

Boulevard stores gingerly step into reopening
In late June, as I spoke with storeowner after storeowner on Larchmont between Beverly Blvd. and First St. about their plans for operation throughout this COVID-19 summer, one theme seemed to dominate: “We’ll play it by ear.” Many businesses have reopened with shortened hours, while some doors have remained closed. Back in late May, businesses […]

Stores open on Boulevard after mayor lifts ban on retail
Fast-changing state, county, and city rules have been keeping retail merchants on their toes. At the end of last month, retail stores finally were allowed to reopen, so long as social distancing and similar hygiene measures are followed. In the interim period preceding the governments’ latest loosening of controls, some of those same stores had […]

Novel times: COVID-19 on and off Larchmont Blvd.
Restaurants, shops and institutions nationwide and around the world have closed their doors or limited their hours and services in an all-out war against COVID-19. Larchmont Blvd. is no different. “Our doors are closed. I’m no longer open to the public, but I’m open for business,” said Joane Pickett of Pickett Fences. She reported sales […]